I break 1/32 carbide ball nose bits too much.
I don't think it is speed or depth of the tool, I think it is running into material at some point.
on the cut that it broke I started with 1/16 BN, Z level rough and Equidistant, not leaving any in allowance in either cut.
then the next with the 1/32 I used the Advance rough using the rest roughing. and entered the previous cutter.
so I read about the gouge but havn't figured out how to use this. I don't know what to look for, But is that what I need to learn to find where my problem is? I assume that is what that is for.
In the help it says:

To access the Advanced Options for Gouge Checking dialog box:

•Click Advanced at the bottom of the Gouge Check tab.

I havn't found yet, the only thing I see is in the feature setup

so i am kind of lost, is there a video to show this?