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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Haas Machines > Haas Mills > HAAS Indexer Prodramming / Control
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Question HAAS Indexer Prodramming / Control

    Hi Guys,

    We have a couple of Haas Indexers (the little 5C collet ones) that we use on verticals with no 4th axis control..

    Currently we write manual program sheets that go with the NC program and the setup guy manually enters the inder steps into the HAAS control using the pannel. The Vertical Control just sends the one shot signal to the Haas controller when it sees the M code. This is fine for simple stuff, but for the more complex stuff ... well you know...

    I'm thinking of a couple improvements.

    1. Generate programs for the indexer that would be downloaded into the HAAS controller.

    EASY solution that would be alittle better than what we do now.

    2. Using an RS 232 cable from the Vertical Control to the HAAS Control and Output the HAAS commands from within the Vertical Program.

    According to the Haas manual this is possible, The controls on my Vertacals are alittle sketchy about this so I will have to talk to the machine folks.

    What are you guys doing ? Any experience with number 2 above ?

    And yes I know what you guys with dirrect 4th axis are doing
    Wee aim to please ... You aim to ... PLEASE.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hi, we use the first method. Let us know what you do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    CAM, I've used #1 on both. I've used #2 on other than haas indexer on a haas vmc.

    #2 is better IMO, because you can post and go.

    'Rekd teh best time to miss a train is at a crossing...
    San Diego, Ca

    ___ o o o_
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    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Wish I could offer something useful, but you are obviously way ahead of me. I use an old haas indexer, but it was never used before I came, and all I have been able to make it do is the same single step called up over and over with repeated m21's when I need to rotate the part for holes or whatever. I know the damn thing is capable of much more so I will be watching this thread with great interest!!!

    This forum is completely new to me, so I can only hope this somewhat useless offering as a first post isn't inappropriate or anything, usually I lurk for a while in new places, but what the hell!! LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Carbide, Welcome.

    You can do alot with them programmed externally, its just a bit more time consuming. Iam work ing on some barrel cams now that have a nonliniar pitch so the calculations get a little tediousm but Ive done tapered helixes and some pretty complex 4 axis stuff. The Scarry part is when you have a 7 minute helical ant the indexer is turning in one step. Even after dryrunning it acouple times ya get that little posterior pucker if ya know what I mean
    Wee aim to please ... You aim to ... PLEASE.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Thanks for your welcome CAMmando, and I definately know what you mean! lol I see by your reply that this little indexer is capable of far more than I would of ever suspected (and more than I have experience for frankly!!!) I hope that the other machining gods can help you out here and perhaps I'll be able to decipher something useful to me as well!! In the meantime I guess I'll start doing some research!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    It has been over 10 years. The operator loaded the main program via punched tape. And using the setup manuscript MDI-ed the HAAS program into the HAAS index controller. The CNC controller was a Mark Century 1050 control. It has true messaging. A message regarding each indexer command could have its corresponding message on the CNC control match the indexer display. So the operator knew that the indexer was at the correct postion corresponding to the CNC program.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Something you should know if you happen to be using the early haas indexers, is that they were either stepper motors or open loop, or both, I can't remember for sure. Anyway, when they stopped they may or may not be at the intended programmed angle. One example would be, if they were rotated too fast for the weight of the attached fixture/part they would stop short or overshoot the programmed angle depending on the situation. My 1st one (new in 1985) had this problem so I always tried to play it safe using a slower rotation feed. Haas improved their indexers and rotary tables to eliminate the problem somtime after that date but I'm not sure when that occured. I sold my old one as soon as the improved ones became available.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003

    That is pretty much what we do now (less the paper tape )

    As I understand it the haas is capable of reading instructions through the rs232 port real time (subject to the limitations of RS232). I am trying to get my control to send the instruction via rs232 to the haas. There by eliminating the separate program and manuscript for the haas. I think I have the answer, but I am waiting on a call from our machine distributor.

    This would also allow me to make better use of my programming systems capabilities.

    Wee aim to please ... You aim to ... PLEASE.

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