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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Spindles / VFD > Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    I have this VFD running a 1.5kw spindle on 220v. I'm not doing anything complicated, just hitting the run button and it takes about 20 seconds to spool up to 24K and about the same to stop rotating after hitting stop. this is a light spindle with a 1/4" router bit. I'd like to match a router spindle where it takes less then 5 seconds to do both.
    I'm pretty sure this spindle can start a lot faster because when I change PD025 to one the spindle screams to 24000 in less then a second. the manual leaves clues about how these settings work but is not clear. I got the decel down to about 12 seconds, and have a resistor on P-Pr, but I don't think the resistor is doing anything.
    Does anyone have recommend settings to start and stop this spindle under 5 seconds?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    Most Huanyang VFD's don't have any components connected to the resistor terminals, so a resistor won't do anything..

    Off the top of my head, I think PD014 and PD015 are accelerate and decelerate. I have mine both set to around 2 seconds. It'll stop that fast at around 12,000K or less, but at 24K, it takes about 6 seconds to stop.

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    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    Quote Originally Posted by Dean448 View Post
    I have this VFD running a 1.5kw spindle on 220v. I'm not doing anything complicated, just hitting the run button and it takes about 20 seconds to spool up to 24K and about the same to stop rotating after hitting stop. this is a light spindle with a 1/4" router bit. I'd like to match a router spindle where it takes less then 5 seconds to do both.
    I'm pretty sure this spindle can start a lot faster because when I change PD025 to one the spindle screams to 24000 in less then a second. the manual leaves clues about how these settings work but is not clear. I got the decel down to about 12 seconds, and have a resistor on P-Pr, but I don't think the resistor is doing anything.
    Does anyone have recommend settings to start and stop this spindle under 5 seconds?
    Seems like you have not set the VFD with the Correct Parameters PD025 should be Default ( 0 ) if set at ( 1 ) the spindle will start at 400Hz which is not good if you want it to last any length of time, Most of these VFD Drives do not have the Braking Resister connected inside the drive, they are missing parts to make that work

    Is your Spindle Air Cooled or Water Cooled, as the minimum Speed needs to be higher for Air Cooled

    Here are the only Parameters you should be setting

    Huanyang Mactec54

    PD000=0 for Parameter unlock ( 1 ) for Parameter Lock

    PD001=0 (1 For Remote Control)

    PD002=0 ( 1 For 0-10v Terminal Control or Remote Trim Pot Control )

    ( J1 Also Needs to be set for Terminal Control )




    PD008=220 (Motor Rated Voltage)



    PD011=120 ( 100 Minimum Setting with Quality VFD, 120 is Safe)

    PD13= 08 is for Factory reset, Only use this to set VFD to Factory Default Settings

    PD014 Acceleration=12 ( Adjust to suit)

    PD015 Deceleration=12 (Adjust to suit)

    ( PD15 is ignored IF PD26=1 Then the Spindle will Coast to a Stop)

    PD141=220 ( Motor Rated Voltage )

    PD142=7 ( Motor Max Amps for 1.5Kw Spindle)

    PD143=2 ( Motor Number of Poles)

    PD144=3000 (Max Motor RPM) =3,000= (24,000)

    PD70=0 ( This may need to be set to 1 if Control Voltage is 0-5v )


    PD73=120 ( 100 Minimum Setting )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    I have 14 to 2 and 15 to 4. I had 15 at 2 but i dont wanna fry the thing. Braking resistors are on ebay for 30$ and you could get it down to a second or so.

    Keep note, there are 3 settings for each accel and deccel. 14/15 only control the first stage of the process.
    Luthier/Woodworker/Machinist in NS, Canada.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    Braking resistors are on ebay for 30$ and you could get it down to a second or so.
    As we said, most Huanyang VFD's are missing the components for the braking resistors to work.

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    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    I set PD014 and PD015 to 5 and confirmed that the spindle starts and stops in 5 seconds. also removed the resistor. Thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Huanyang VFD spindle accelerate & decelerate settings

    Quote Originally Posted by jahnj0584 View Post
    I have 14 to 2 and 15 to 4. I had 15 at 2 but i dont wanna fry the thing. Braking resistors are on ebay for 30$ and you could get it down to a second or so.

    Keep note, there are 3 settings for each accel and deccel. 14/15 only control the first stage of the process.
    Your settings are what most have without the Braking Resistor, if your VFD supports a Braking Resistor you don't have it setup correct

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