for me changing tools isnt really a big deal, the main hold up is setting z. seems to be a couple options like an auto z touch plate, but i think even better would just be getting a consistent tool height when loading the tool so the height offset can just be stored. collar on the tool seems like one option but i imagine if you want precision, the height would probably vary slightly based on how hard you tighten the nut since the collet compresses. What about something that replaces the er collet and holds the tool with a set screw. Same shape as an er collet to be a direct replacement for one, but just a solid piece with various bores for different tool sizes. each tool you want setup gets one that it stays in. tool stays locked in with the set screw and lives in its own er replacement. since its a solid piece, it wouldnt work with some er nuts. some of them need the collet to compress a bit to get past the pulling lip, but the one i have from maritool has the pulling lip set off center so the collet can drop in slightly to the side without compressing. once lined up center, the pulling lip does its job when loosening the nut. so anyway, does such a thing exist? any reason why it wouldnt work? Just trying to think of a way to get faster with my multi tool parts and an auto tool changer is definitely out of my budget since this is a home built machine.