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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Gecko Drives > Intermittent (but persistent!) G540 fault light
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Intermittent (but persistent!) G540 fault light

    I'm sure someone somewhere has had this problem, but it's a tricky one to search for..

    Anyway, just mounted my X and Y axis to my RF-40 conversion. I've had all 3 of my motors hooked up to the controller as a test and managed to have them working fine. Then I mounted the Y axis to the machine and of course I had to try it. Initially I had a fault light, then I turned the parallel cable around (one side of the cable is missing one pin..!) and the fault light went away, everything worked fine.

    It worked fine for a few days like that until last night, when I finally got around to mounting the X axis motor. Plugged everything in and had a fault light again. Took the parallel cable off as a test, and still had a red light. Removed the X axis, still red. Removed the Y axis, and it finally went green.

    Plugged the X axis again got a green light. Ah, must be something wrong with the Y axis!.. Plugged it in again, green light. Remember I had a red light a minute ago with the same combination. Ah, must have been plugged in wrong or something, so I plugged in the parallel cable and got a red light.

    Hmmm.. I removed the parallel cable and still got a red light! Argh!

    Seems like something is really throwing the drive off and it won't clear until I remove everything and plug it in again. Any ideas?

    g540, 425oz/in nema 23 motors and Mach3, parallel port set to EPP. The pin missing on the parallel cable is pin 15, one of the inputs I believe, which I haven't set to anything in Mach3.

    Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    It sounds like the problem could be cause by insufficient current on your power supply. What is your power supply current?

    If the drive continues to act up you can send it in for free evaluation. If we find something wrong with it we will repair it free of charge and send it back on our dime. All you need to do is fill out the return form on our website (Product Returns - Support) and mail it to us. We will take care of the rest.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Thank you for the reply!

    I think the problem was on my end - I decided to start over and re-wire the ground and enable wires to the g540 and I've had zero problems after that!

    Really having fun with this setup, thanks again!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I am having a similar problem but not sure if it is the same root cause. I have two G540s running 5 steppers, 3 steppers on one G540 and 2 on the other. The way I had to do it for Mach3 to handle all the axis (4), I had to put the rotary axis and X-axis on the second G540 that I bought most recently. I have never been able to get the charge pump to work so after talking with Gecko, I just disable it. First, minor problem is my green LED has gone bad and never lights up now. Second real problem is that every few days now, I will be in the middle of a job and my X axis will just stop working, which sort of screws up my machining job, as the Y and Z continue to operate. I look at the G540 and the red LED charge pump light is on. I flip the switch next to it back and forth, anywhere from 1 to 4 or 5 times and it finally goes green (except without the actual green light).

    Could this also be a problem with my power supply? I could swap which power supply is driving which G540 to see if the problem follows it.

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