I picked up a relatively unused Torchmate 4400 setup with the FlexCut 80 plasma unit. It also has the plate marker kit on it.
The computer and AccuMove 2 units power up and the software seems to be working, but I am unable to make the table do basic manual moves. I will say that the dongle that was supposed to be with the machine didn't come with it and I'm looking into getting a replacement. Likewise, the FlexCut unit is not connected yet...waiting on an electrician. Does that have anything to do with not being able to get the table to do anything? I'm not out in the shop right now, but I believe the "Ready to move" indicator says Stop right now. That had me looking for an E-stop somewhere but I didn't see one.
So, from cold powerup, what steps should I have to do just to get the machine to move?