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IndustryArena Forum > CAD Software > Rhino 3D > Keeping it on the level....
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Keeping it on the level....

    I'm trying to draw a shape using a series interpolated curves at different levels in the z axis which i will later sweep to get a 3d shape. The issue I'm having is every time I try to move a point to reference geometry the line starts jumping around to every snap point in the near vicinity, is there a way of keeping the curve strictly on a 2d plane?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    If I understand what you are trying to do correctly...

    First, make sure PLANAR is active in the status bar at the bottom (the box appears light when activated). Also, have the Osnap control box open (the one with the little checkboxes - click in the Osnap pane in the status bar if it is not showing).

    Then, start your curve, and snap to the first point. Then, before you snap to the next, check "project" in the Osnap box, then go and finish your curve. The curve should all be on the plane parallel through the first snap point (that's what Planar does) but go through the snap points projected to that plane as well.

    The thing to understand is that without Project on, Osnaps take precedence over Planar, and the snap will go to the real snap point, not the projected one. And that if you have Project checked for the first point, the snap will be projected to the current CPlane. Project with Planar OFF will project everything to the CPlane.

    HTH, --ch

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Sometimes (usually, for me) it helps to draw your curves on a 2d plane first, and then turn on the control points to adjust the depth. As far as snapping, turn ortho on (or just hold the shift key down to activate temporarily), and manipulate your control points in the left or front viewport.

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