I need to find the settings for the serial communications on a Leadshine ACS606 so I can tune the drives correctly using Pro Tuner.
I'm not so sure my settings are right since the last I used serial I was experimenting with a microcontroller so it's very likely my port is set to some odd settings.
Oddly enough, the proper serial port settings are nowhere to be found in the Leadshine manual(s) (I checked out several of them). Seems like an easy blurb to include in their manuals.
Can you tell me the following (standard serial port configuration settings): Maybe just check the settings on the port you are using to run Pro Tuner?

Baud Rate (38400 according to the software)
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow control

Truth is, it seems a little odd that the things use serial anyway since it takes adding a card for it on computers these days, but maybe that's to keep costs down.
Also seems odd that the software apparently doesn't have any indicator that the drive is connected after you press the connect button. I guess you just have to hope all is good? It doesn't indicate that it doesn't successfully connect either, but instead finally gives you a "check connection" message after you click on some function. Hmm.
There's a "green light" but it is on at startup and just turns red if there's a problem rather than any kind of "connected" indicator or something. I've fiddled with Arduino, AVR Studio, quadcopter software of different flavors and all that stuff lets you know once you're connected.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound whiny. Just offering feedback.

Anyway, thank you for any help.