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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Learning path

    Hi everyone,
    I am setting up to add/learn cnc machining to my shop and wondered if I might ask for a little advice.
    To start, I am here at the computer because my bran-spankin'-new Taig 2019CR-ER with hancranks hasn't arrived yet. I'm pretty excited, it's been a while since I spent any time with a mill and I'm looking forward to learning something new. Gonna spend some time with it manually first.
    Where do I go from there?
    Is there a good text for "hobby" cnc?

    Software: I draft on a Mac and from what I can tell cam/cnc isn't well supported in that world, so, I need advice on a cheap winXP cad/cam program I can use with whatever the other bit of software it is that talks to the steppers or the box or whatever. (Software that is well documented for learning purposes preferably)

    Conversion Kits: It sounds like servos may be overkill for the mill, any thoughts on beginner-friendly complete stepper/controller set-ups?

    Another question?, Is there any reason not to stick handcranks on the outboard end of the stepper motors?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    I'll take a stab

    I purchased MACH 3 for like 150ish bucks, this controls the computer that is sending signals to the stepper controllers.

    I purchased Dolphin CAD/CAM Level II, 2.5 milling X-Y and limited Z
    I purchased Alibre Standard, 3d parametric modeling
    I purchased MeshCam for 3d
    I purchased CutViewer for Tool Path simulations

    For my electricial build, in the Gecko Forum - Clueless and looking for answers- will detail the electricial side with lots of information.

    Cheap is subjective, what the budget look like for software? There are free programs but my personal comfort level would not allow for there us. Hoss as a load of information on his site for low cost CNC information.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I started along the same path with a Taig2019 CR-ER.

    I bought Bob Campbell's Mach3 Enclosure for the stepper control. This might be overkill for the Taig, but the enclosure (with Geckos) can easily handle a larger mill sometime in the future. I bought the enclosure wired and tested, but if you like to wire, you can buy the enclosure and add the components. I also bought Bob's NEMA 23 steppers for the mill. Everything went together and ran with no problems. Bob is a good fellow to deal with.


    I bought Mach3 along with it's companion New Fangled Solutions wizards and Lazy CAM.

    My 2D CAD is Visual CAD as I've run it for a long time clear back to its roots in Generic CAD. Alibre Design is my 3D package.

    The CAM package is Visual Mill 5.0 Basic which allows 3D profiling. So far I've just been working in 2.5D and there are many packages for 2.5 axis machining. Sheet Cam comes to mind.

    I am still climbing the learning curve, but I've had a lot of fun.

    I am sure you'll get many other suggestions.

    Have fun.


    Chuck Kuhn

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Thanks you guys!
    ...wow, each of you mentioned a lot of different pieces of software! Looks like I'll need to spent a little bit of dough when the time comes.
    Ideally I'd like to find an all in one CAD/CAM package that was very well documented, hopefully with 3D CAM, as well as the controller software for under a thousand bucks. Did either Dolphin or Visual Cam provide some sort of tutorials, if so what did you think of them?
    Chuck, why do you use Visual Cad for 2D instead of the CAD tools included in Visual Mill?
    Smitty, why did you purchase Alibre and MeshCam instead of upgrading your Dolphin CAD/CAM?
    And um, one more for now, this is a little embarrassing but, what exactly is the difference between 2.5D and full 3D? Does that mean you can only change the Z axis at the beginning and end of a cut/pass?
    Anyways thanks for your patience, hope you guys have good weekends

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Hello Werner,

    With 2.5 axis CNC, only 2 axis can move together at the same time. Here is a link to some definition. http://www.cncci.com/resources/tips/3%20axis.htm

    I use the Visual CAD for my 2D because I have about 15 years experience with it and Generic Cad which was the forerunner. I am working on the Visual Mill, but tend to get away from it for periods of time and keep slipping back down the learning curve. Hope to conquer it this fall and winter. I just have not checked out the CAD portion of Visual Mill. Visual Mill does offer some decent tutorials on their website. I just need to work with it consistently to get it to stick once and for all.

    What sort of parts and projects do you plan to make with your CNC Taig?

    One CNC is supposed to be a pretty good CAD/CAM package, but I don't know what price class it is in.

    Will the CAD you use on your Mac save drawings as a DXF? CAM programs will usually accept a DXF file. That is how I get from Visual CAD to Visual Mill or to Lazy CAM sold by the MACH folks.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    direct questions deserve a direct answer

    Smitty, why did you purchase Alibre and MeshCam instead of upgrading your Dolphin CAD/CAM?

    I installed the Dolphin and played with the CAD portion for a while, of ME, it was not very intuitive. As a beginner I don't need huge learning curves. Time, effort, etc. Tutorials I hav'nt played with much. The CAM is 2.5 and has some options that I will need to learn. Haven't played with it much yet.

    With Alibre it is pretty easy as I had a couple of guys at work with SolidWorks and other packages to walk me though some Alibre, plus their tutorials are great. MeshCam will do 3D and accept the Alibre files once converted. I haven't found the Drilling option in MeshCam yet, and I'm not sure it has one, so back to Dolphin.

    Mach3 also has some standard CAM stuff as well as LazyCam. I hav'nt tried LazyCam yet.

    I also purchase the cutviewer so once a tool path is done it can be simulated. I don't read G-Code yet.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    OMG! how disappointing! The collet closer on the taig mill appears to be grossly mis-machined so, after waiting for two weeks to receive my mill, all I can do is watch the bloody thing wobble. What a drag!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Sorry to hear this and how disappointing. Is the hole in the spindle off center, wrong angle, doesn't match the ER16 collets or what? Call the factory Monday. They are helpful people. Good luck.



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Dread- I know this is late, but what seems to be wrong with your collet "closer"


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