Up until yesterday whenever I did a cut I was always running a GCode program. Yesterday I had a few simple horizontal cuts I wanted to make in a stone. After positioning the wire where I wanted to start, I figured "Hey I'll just manually enter the F command for the speed and a G1 command for the distance in X using the 'Send' button". All was going fine until I got to the point where I needed to pause the saw to insert some wedges to support the cut. I paused, inserted the wedges, then as I had done many times before hit Cycle Start button to continue cutting. Then walked away without paying attention to what the saw was doing. I look over and see a big bow in the wire and can kind of hear the saw struggling a bit. I'm sure Tom already knows what happened. Cycle start started executing the GCode that happened to be loaded. First move was a rapid back to 0,0. I hadn't zero'd before starting the cut, so the saw took off back to 0,0. I''m amazed the cable didn't break. I wish I had the mind to look at the tension before I hit the emergency stop.

So my lesson is:
- always zero before starting
- Cycle start button does exactly what it is supposed to do, continue executing the current LINE.
