I may have posted this before in the wrong area, So I'll try again.

Ok, this forum is a maze of threads and hard to find the right place to start. I am a technician for an aviation/aerospace test lab, so I have been involved in many machining tasks, however do not have the skill of an educated machinist. All of the work to date has been on manual mills and lathe. I am going to purchase a CNC knee mill at the later part of this year and I’m on the hunt for information and equipment. I am limited by money and the fact that I may not be able to supply 3 phase power. I have been looking at the Supra knee machine by cncmasters with most all of the options they offer. As far as major tools go I have a Miller Synrowave 250. Keep in mind this is personal equipment not for my job. My intention is to develop prototype patens and RC parts and possibly auto accessories. So mostly small pieces.
I would appreciate any input on equipment and reference material, books, DVD’s ect… I will wait until September when the machine arrives to start asking the really stupid questions. Like... I set my lap-top on the table while making the initial connections and accidentally ruff milled my keyboard and parts of my hard drive. It only removed the naughty video’s from the drive, so is it ok to continue the cad cam software install and should I use duct tape or packing tape to keep dust out of the hard drive??

Thanks in advance for any info or direction…