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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    LVD Pressbrake?

    So, I just bought an LVD 3m x 100 tonne pressbrake of the PPN flavour, and i didn;t get a manual with it.

    I tried the UK distributor, who can sell me a manual, but did not seem particularly interested in giving me a 5 minute idiots guide to getting it moving. I've ordered the manual, but it will take two weeks.

    Anyone used a LVD PPN series? give me some clues? I have photos of the basic controls if it helps jog memories.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I don`t have LVD pressbrakes but I`ve got an LVD cnc punch.I`ve found support from LVD UK to be first class,well above average with help and advice freely given.I have never bought a single thing from them either having sourced the punch privately.If you want to experience very poor support and service buy something from Kingsland/Haco or Mazak.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Not my experience

    I already phoned their "support" ... the guy I needed to speak to was on the phone, they said he would phone back. he didn't. I phoned again next day, enquired about a manual, he took my email and said he would get a quote out to me. Nothing yet.

    I asked if there was a simple guide to the control, or someone could talk me through the basic settings, just so we can get going, I can't really afford to have a machine sitting idle, and we have work piling up ... "not really, sorry about that" .. and that was the end of the call. Thought they might have offered to send out a service engineer, or suggest a local independent, or maybe even take my address and send a tooling catalogue ... ah well.

    I really wanted and Amada HFE, but this thing came along cheap, and it is actually very well built, and will certainly do our work with ease. If I could just figure out the control, we could be up and running.

    I'll give it another week or two, and if I can't get the info to set it up, I'll chop it in against an Amada.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I`ll speak to my contact on Monday and see if he can help.Whereabouts in the UK sre you?
    Thinking about it,I`m sure they sent me an operators manual on disc free of charge.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I'm in the midlands ... Kidderminster. I'll give them another ring, maybe they were just having a bad day. Its the MACH show this week too, I hope to pop along at some point, drop in and say hello.

    all i actually need is to find out what the various settings are on the control

    The control looks like:

    it has only a few, and I worked some out already:

    theta-n : tensile strength
    S: material thickness
    tool nr.: number of lower tool
    X1: backstop position
    *Y: <related to beam position>
    CX1: <unknown, might be correction to X1>
    CY : <unknown, might be correction to Y>
    IX1: <unknown>
    D: <unknown>
    MP: think this is maximum pressure
    F: <unknown>
    *P: <unknown>
    UDP: <unknown>

    The other bits I have not quite sorted out yet:


    motor on off,
    press/guarding start

    umm .. th think the 4 position switch is relatated to 1 stroke, 2 stroke or manual control via foot pedal,

    the 6 position switch is more of a mystery. I think its realted to whether it uses light guards for the mute position or two button hand-safety ...

    I'm pretty sure if I can figure the cnc settings out, we are up and running, I figured out how to calibrate it, how to reset the soft limits, load up the tooling etc, if I couldl just get someone to tell me what those settigns are, we could get on and make stuff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I`ve spoke to the punchpress guy at LVD and suggest you call them again,ask for Tim Brunsdon and he will find the right guy for you.I think this has just been a glitch as I have never heard anyone complain about their support before.Let us know how you get on.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Better ... spoke to a guy called Paul who was significantly more helpful than the other bloke I spoke to. Talked me through the values, promised to fax me a programming sheet and chase up the quote for a manual.

    [update] and he did exactly as promised, a programming sheet and a quote arrived by email shortly afterwards. My faith in LVD is restored

    I have to say it seems to be a very nicely built machine, its far, far from new, but it has done little heavy work and is very well built. We'll probably upgrade the lower block to accept 'euro' style tooling, and fit some LVD classic to Euro spec upper clamps.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    For anyone that cares ...

    theta-n : tensile strength
    S: material thickness
    tool nr.: number of lower tool
    X1: backstop position
    *Y: <beam position or angle, toggled by the alpha-Y key>
    CX1: correction to X1
    CY : correction to Y
    IX1: incremental X, for multi-hit bends, eg large radius
    D: X retract after bend, use in combination with delay
    MP: mute point
    F: feed rate during bend, in mm per second
    *P: bending force, in kilo Newtons
    UDP: upper dead point, the position it returns to after completing a bend,
    set to same value as mute point if you want the machine to stay in mute

    distances are measured from tool tip to bed base, i think

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I am able to help you with Strippit LVD machnes /software.
    What control do you have? I think it must be MNC 92 (95).
    May be it will be MNC 8200.
    Write me on e-mail [email protected]


    Quote Originally Posted by rszemeti View Post
    So, I just bought an LVD 3m x 100 tonne pressbrake of the PPN flavour, and i didn;t get a manual with it.

    I tried the UK distributor, who can sell me a manual, but did not seem particularly interested in giving me a 5 minute idiots guide to getting it moving. I've ordered the manual, but it will take two weeks.

    Anyone used a LVD PPN series? give me some clues? I have photos of the basic controls if it helps jog memories.

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