This is a notice that I have just posted an M31 and M6 macro pair in the CNCDrive Forums (UCCNC Tool Box forum) which performs XYZ probing (M31) and provides manual tool changes (M6) without manually re-probing. This emulates the (envious) behavior of my Carbide3D Carbide Motion software (Nomad3D, Shapeko) probing and tool change operations. This requires both a Mobile Touch Plate (for probing) and a Fixed Touch plate (for Z reference). A Vectric VCarve UCCNC Post-Processor is also included which supports Tool Change operations. (Supporting multiple tool paths in a single job file)

I am attaching the associated archive here (V2.00) as well. (However, I will be using the thread in the CNCDrive forum as my ongoing distribution and update vehicle. No "shade" intended!)


Data is maintained (automatically saved/updated/restored) by a single GUI embedded in the M31 XYZ Probing Macro. Macros do not need to be edited for configuration. The single GUI in M31 controls the settings for the entire "family" of macros.

All configuration and operational data is now stored in, and shared from, a private section ("[XYZProbeData]") of the active UCCNC profile


- Surface Probing: Simple top down probing for Z only
- Hole Probing: XYZ Corner Probing using a plate-aligned hole
- Edge Probing: XYZ Corner Probing using a square plate

Provides multiple methods (macros) to automatically restore a probed workspace coordinate system following a crash, power outage, etc, including:

- OLD Bit Coordinate Restoration: Motionless coordinate restoration if the Tool Bit has not been disturbed
- NEW Bit Coordinate Restoration: Coordinate restoration if the tool bit has been replaced

Anyway, too much to replicate here. PLEASE take a look at the ReadMe file in the attached archive for the details.