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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Hi I have just uploaded my Probing routines for Mach3 I use them every time I start the Machine
    these are xy probes and are completely automatic that is once the parameters are set it is just 1 click to probe circles id od, rectangles od id, pipes x&y, 2 points lines
    The rectangles can be on the Bed at any angle all probes end up in the dead center of the object.
    The probe routine's are fast because it tracks the angle of the lines and reduces XY travel.
    There are 3 speed settings Rapid Fast & Slow all 3 speeds are used and I have implemented an incremental back off routine to increase speed, that is the probe only backs off
    for the slow probe an amount required to reset the probe.
    If a probe fails it is one click to return to the start of the probe , then adjust settings a try again.

    All probe points are recorded
    All probes are probe crash proof. "Well as crash proof that I can Get them" !

    This is using standard Mach3 Mill screen set with an added screen for the probes
    This is the first time I have published this code
    I would appreciate it you Guys would give it a test.
    These are everyday probes but I have coded them very different to the Normal
    The accuracy is very good less than .004 mm consistently using a home brew probe.

    The routine is for Metric and assumes g53z0 is at the top of the Z travel
    I would really appreciate it if you Guys could give a test and give me feedback

    This is a link to my dropbox with all the required files.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Hi I Have upgraded these programs I fixed a few bugs and added some more crash detection
    All moves are now checked to see if the target value was reached if not a error is raised
    I discovered that if you try to probe a part outside the machine limits either hard or soft the probe routine will still try to probe the part.
    So hopefully I have fixed this problem.
    There has been quite a few downloads for this file however no one has commented on is functionality
    I would appreciate some feed back Guys it takes a lot of use to find and fix Bugs in programs.
    Also the return to Last Probe Position now uses the Rapid Feed rate you set.
    There is also a small bug in the Internal Rectangle routine you need to make sure the probe distance set is greater than the clearance I know this sounds a little strange but remember
    with internal rectangles the clearance is not set by a Value but by the actual starting position of the probe , the distance to the first trigger point is used as the clearance value.
    I will fix this as soon as I get time.
    This is the new download link

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    A probe can be destroyed by any positional movement x,y, or z if the move exceeds the Probes limit of flex it will be destroyed
    I have built routines that are "nearly crash proof " all move are G31 moves
    However if the probe fails to trigger because of a fault with the probe and the probe distance is set higher than the flex distance of the probe it will be destroyed.
    If a move forces the body of the probe "out side it 's trigger zone " to hit a object it will be destroyed.
    If a probe routine is well designed it should be able to cover most crashes
    But a lot of probes are destroyed by the initial placement of the probe to the part outside the control of the program. "Human error"

    Some things you can do to limit a probe destruction

    1 place the probe diameter on a object in either x or y zero the axis, then feeling the probe shaft slowly jog the axis so that you have reached the limit of the probe movement or shaft flex
    Read the axis value lets says it's 10 mm this should be the Max probe distance you use .
    Using this approach if the probe fails to trigger because of a fault with the probe it will still stop at 10 mm and not smoke the probe.

    2 Using your fastest axis find the max probe speed
    Let say your using the Z down axis this probably the best axis to use because of the spindle & head weight
    place the probe 10 mm or so above the bed zero the axis
    Then move the Z 20 mm or so above this point
    So Z is now reading 20 mm issue a feed rate that is the same as the max you have defined in your motor tuning i.e 3000 mm per min
    So from the mdi issue F3000 then G1 then G31Z0
    Notice the axis value at the end of movement if it is below zero then the max feed rate is to high
    keep adjusting the feed rate i.e F2500 until it reads zero at the end of movement this should be your Rapid feed rate Max

    It is unavoidable not to exceed these limits especially Max probe Dist but if you know the probe limits of travel you can adjust feed rates so that in the event of a probe or wiring fault
    you can reduce the chance of probe destruction.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Okay I cleaned these files up there were still lots of minor errors in the code these are the latest release

    Attention all those people that have downloaded these files need to download this latest release

    https://youtu.be/BLjQmbvdmp8 id=61418934480

    This is the new link


    This is a video of the current release you need to watch it to the end
    I am over 3 meters away from my machine so I have to walk back to set the parameters for the probes and that what takes the time
    I also made some mistakes with values and I also clicked circle I.D instead of circle O.D but notice that the crashes were well covered

    Notice that tip Dia is 10mm very large .for these very tight probes.
    I started with the rectangle inside the circle because of the very tight tollerance I needed to set the probe in just the right spot
    the clearance value was set to 1mm for this probe because there was only about 1.5 mm between the tip ball and the circle wall.


    Please some body let me know what they think of these routines Good or bad I can Take it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    So people I accidently introduced a error into the macro for outside rectangle , "type on a variable"
    I have fixed it and re-uploaded the files.
    Here is the new link.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Hi all I have just uploaded a complete new set off files for Squirrel Probes

    The probe routines now include a crawling contour probe with Auto stop function on completion of the contour
    a button allows you to select to automatically stop when the Last point probed is within the step distance of the first point probed
    or just keep probing until it reaches the number of points you want.

    The probe routines now include 4th Axis probing with A axis parallel to the X or Y Axis
    the 4th Axis routines include a conversion program to convert the data to XYZ point cloud.
    The 4th Axis routines can be started from any start point and end point -+ values allowed

    All probes now have a button to select to use the second slow probe or not
    The second probe select button and all feed values Rapid Fast Slow can be selected and changed on the fly i.e during a probe
    this allows you to optimise the probe to best suit you'r machine.

    The link is the same as before the .rar file includes installation instructions

    I know these programs have been downloaded over 100 times but still know one has found time
    to make some comments.

    I'm sure there not bug free but without some support they never will be.
    If you use these probes "Please Make some comments"


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Cheers Squirrel, I have just downloaded these I am needing to use the OD Rectangle probe to set the X Y zero position, This sounds exactly what I was looking for.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    Cheer's thanks for that if you have any problems please let me know

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Mach3 Probe routines full auto on rectangles at any angle

    The file link has changed to

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