I have been searching the web for a updated post for mastercamV9.0. I have used mastercams defaults delta40
and dynapath20 settings. The 20 works great on the machine and does everything properly except rigid tapping and the coolant turns on before the tool change. (the toolchange call turns the coolant off). The delta40 dosn't work at all.

I have talked to the people at autocon and they told me there control needs to have each G code on a diffrent line. It crashes the control if the is two or more on a line when I do a RS232C trickle feed. (this is what is wrong with the delta40 setting)

If someone can give me some info on either editting the setting files in mastercam or a post that is works with mastercamv9 and a dynapath 50M controler, or option C, tell me to get my head out of my #@!. The default will work, I am just doing it all wrong.

Any input will be appricated.
Thanks for your time.
