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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > MadCAM > Material Top and Material Bottom
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Material Top and Material Bottom

    Occasionally it happens to me that I do something wrong here, e.g. normally I would set Material Top to +0.2 and Material Bottom to -3.0.
    By accident I entered +3.0. But that does not make sense. When would you start milling at the bottom and move slowly up? I'd like to get an error message whenever the material bottom is higher than the material top.
    Currently a tool path is created, touching the material top. Just yesterday I wanted to drill 100 holes and noticed later that I touched 100 times the material but no holes created because of my mistake that went unnoticed.

    What would help here as well is a graphical indication of some sort. I remember the first time using that, I said material top = 0 and material bottom = 3 expecting that to be 3mm below. Only later I recognized my error that the bottom is -3mm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Material Top and Material Bottom

    Just out of curiosity where is the Z zero for your model I assume it is set at zero.

    Why do you use 0.2 for the top.

    I had a problem the other day with a tool that gouged the top of my plywood as it ramped down to the first movement. Would setting the top hire solve that?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Material Top and Material Bottom

    Well, that is a lengthy response if I go into all the details. Anyway.

    absolute z=0 is the machine top (almost).
    The machine base (bottom of the stock material) is at -40mm. This way I do not have to recalibrate machine zero every time and your first movement to zero is avoided as well as zero is now at the top if the machine, not the bottom of the stock.
    The curve is let's say at -37mm.
    I have the setting so that the material top/bottom is relative to the curve. Hence a material bottom in the dialog is the aforesaid of -3 resulting at -37-3=-40. In other words, I cut down to the very bottom of the material.

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