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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Morbidelli Author 213

    Hi all,

    Quite a few years ago my Dad bought a Morbidelli Author 213 but not any of the CAD/CAM software to go with it (Aspan?). When they sold him the machine, they made it sound like Aspan was tied to the machine so any other software wouldn't generate the "correct" g-code. Now that I've looked into it, I doubt that's really the case. Unfortunately I'm in another state so I can't just duck over to the factory to play with the machine (I will be going down at Christmas though). In the meantime, I'm getting my Dad to email me a few files contained on the floppy disc that's in his machine. I'm hoping I'll open up the files from the machine and they're just plain text g-code but if they're not then I'm in a bit of a tight spot.

    I did some googling and saw a bloke selling an identical machine, he put in the description "Works with all the major CAD/CAM software". That's encouraging but I'll have to see it before I believe it. I also did some searching on this forum and there was talk about a PGM file format which was essentially some for of g-code and a simple convert needed to be written to convert normal CAM g-code output to a PGM structure.

    I'll find out more about it once I crack open the files but in the meant time, does anyone know much about these machines or their g-code format?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    we have a cam with postprocessing for Morbidelli Author 213.. we can help you contact me [email protected]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Any cadcam system will work but you must convert the txt file to binary using a morbidelli utility called xiso. PM me if you want a copy. There is no license so nothing illegal in sharing it

  4. #4

    Re: Morbidelli Author 213

    Quote Originally Posted by loko View Post
    Any cadcam system will work but you must convert the txt file to binary using a morbidelli utility called xiso. PM me if you want a copy. There is no license so nothing illegal in sharing it
    I know the subject is from long time ago, but do you think you could provide a copy of the winxiso.exe file ?

    I found a link on internet, but when I try to use it with this file:

    H DX828.00 DY357.00 DZ20.00 -A R5 *MM /OUT1
    B X85.50 Y257.30 Z29.00 V1 T18
    B Y332.30 V1 T18
    B X742.70 Y332.00 V1 T18
    B Y257.00 V1 T18
    B X1300.00 Y25.50 Z1.00 V2 T18

    I have the following error
    Compiled lines:7 Errors:52

    and it doen't produce the pgm file

    Could you send a copy of the utility or display a download link ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Morbidelli Author 213

    Quote Originally Posted by loko View Post
    Any cadcam system will work but you must convert the txt file to binary using a morbidelli utility called xiso. PM me if you want a copy. There is no license so nothing illegal in sharing it

    Sorry to wake this converstaion but i have a huge problem! I have recently bought morbidelli author 213 and I only have a Italian language manual, for two months now i cant use the machine it is just standing there! I dont know hot to start it or know to write one line to have her do anything!!! It is in perfect shape and it is just sad standing there! If anyone has some instruction or english manual i will be so thankfull! I would appreciate if u stil have that xiso software!


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