Hello all,

Firstly can i say how impressed i am with this forum and i think my head is going to explode with the wealth of knowledge on here.

I have purchased a 5x10 Multicam Router.
Currently it is running an M23 v4.03 board. built in 1996. (im able to utilise the stack of dell d630 laptops i have laying around for this beast)
so obviously im running a serial connection.

I have a business project in mind and i dont intend on cutting intricate parts so for now the M23 controller will be fine untill i have the money and the 'stones' to upgrade the hardware.

My issue i hope will be simple for some of you experts.
Machine connects to motion controller running Multicam S4 but when i try and find a cnc file the device states unable to connect to Host.

This is baffeling me and i have tried as many settings as i dare.
If i install multicam 3.5 software the host connects and i can choose a file. another baffeling part is the files i run through the older software do not cut to the correct size that i have expressed in Vetrics Aspire.

I am hopeing somebody can point me in the right direction.

if you need anymore information other them the following please let me know.
M23 from 1996
Windows xp, serial connection.
multicam suite 4
unable to connect to host
Vectric to produce all gcodes or HPLT.

Thank you in advance