Hi, I'm wondering if your unit has a similar h-board controller to mine. It's quite a good DSP controller.
The M23 is the interface board, where the optos are, not the controller. My old MG has an M24 interface board mounted on top of the controller board with standoffs and screws. The controller board should have an Intel i960 on it, along with an Analog Devices DSP and a few assorted other FPGA's. I'm guessing it'll say "H971" on it, along with a revision number.
When you say "firmware", we need to be sure we're discussing the right file. Mine is called "htk351b". When I open it up with wordpad it's mostly binary gibberish, but you can read a copyright notice from Filmore Systems.
You'll probably also have loader and init files, named "HSTD", "HLDR", or maybe "HATC", if the machine has a tool changer. These are plain text files which will provide clues for how to call the 2 heads.
Multicam has a pretty useful list of g-codes at their website.
The MT22 is an interesting machine.
-Jim Hart
My main machine: Multicam MG series (MG101) with original Extratech H971 controller, Minarik servo motors, Electro-Craft BRU-series drives, 4KW Colombo. Let's talk Multicam!