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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking > MetalWork Discussion > Myford MG9 Cylindrical Grinder Parts
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Myford MG9 Cylindrical Grinder Parts

    I recently aquired a Myford MG9 Cylindrical grinder.
    It needed a lot of work but is now working very well and giving fantasic results in both finish and accuracy (definately worth the effort).
    I am new to using cylindrical grinders and am unsure if the bedways should be lubricated with oil or grease. I am using coolant and I am concerned that if I use oil it will get washed out and the ways will rust but will grease do the job?- Anyone?

    Also does anyone have any general information that may help me with this machine? and any ideas where I can get parts such as grinding wheels or
    what size wheel does it uses. I don't want to remove the one fitted to measure it until I need to as I don't yet have a balancer but would like a replacement, especially as it may take me some time to find one.
    The grind wheel bearing housing runs fairly warm. Its not hot and runs smoothly but is very warm after 20 minutes running at 3000rpm.
    Has anyone had any experience with these machines and is this normal?
    Does anyone have any information on the bearing type and configuration used here?

    I would be willing to pay for a manual if anyone has one.

    I would appreciate any help the you can offer

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Use a good quality way oil for lubrication. The grinder should be built so that the ways are protected from the coolant flow. If they are exposed then you are missing parts. Grease increases the possiblity of sticking which can drive you crazy trying to hold size. There should be an oil pump or drip supply on the wheel head and on the table.

    If you can hold your hand on the wheel head with out the heat becoming uncomfortable then I would not worry about it. All grinders I have used heat up. In fact, before the days of CNC and auto compensation the grind guys would not begin working until the machine 'warmed up'.

    Myford is sold by Royal Master. They are very helpful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Myford MG9

    Thanks for the information, very helpful indeed.
    There is a drip oil cup on the wheel head but the two ways have a series of grease/oil nipples so I can use these to feed oil in.
    I can keep my hand on the wheel head without discomfort so it sounds like that is OK.
    I haven't heard of Royal Master so will look them up.

    Thanks again


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jerryw View Post
    Thanks for the information, very helpful indeed.
    There is a drip oil cup on the wheel head but the two ways have a series of grease/oil nipples so I can use these to feed oil in.
    I can keep my hand on the wheel head without discomfort so it sounds like that is OK.
    I haven't heard of Royal Master so will look them up.

    Thanks again


    Royal Master is the US agent for Myford. Myford is a UK company at www.myford.com, might be worth a phone call.

    Here is the current grinder parts list for MG12 (12") and upgrades from the earlier 10". I think yours is might be the 10" which is the non-hydraulic version.

    Come visit the UK CNC Community

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    MG9 Grinder Parts


    The wheel fitted is indeed a 10" or at least I think it was based on the current wheel size and the clearance between it and the guard.
    The list looks very useful as many of the parts that I am interested in seem to be the same.

    I have contacted Myford but they just told me that they don't offer support for this machine anymore.
    They do however still support the MG12 so if the wheel etc is the same then I'm in business.


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