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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Exclamation Need help!!! to find a software to HX40A

    I just got the HX40A laser engraving machine, but I don't have any software
    or operating manual to it. I bought this machine in China, but now I don't have any contact with them. The package that came to me was opened and there were missing few parts. Now I can't even check if it's working because I don't have any software to it. Please help me on this, I don't have any idea what can I do to get this thing started. I'm looking forward to hear from anybody!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    bad news. We are the manufacture from China, if you bought machine from us we can help you with it. But unfortunately it's not.

    [email protected]:rainfro: :rainfro:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I bought this machine in HXlaser and now we can't contact them so we are seeking for help from a normal users. On the end I can buy someone a beer and that's all I can do, or I can take a hammer and destroy it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    why can't contact them?? You can try to contact them by Eail, fax or telephone. I think it's their responsibility. If you can not find their contact info, I can help you to find it if you need.

    By the way, why not buy machine from us?? If so, you would not have such kind of boring problem. hahaha,,,, just kiding.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    a question to wk lasers,
    If you are the manufacteruer of anams laser why cant your help him or are you the same as most of your collegues in china VANISH AT THE FIRST SIGN OF A PROBLEM and do not HONOUR the warrantie which is printed in your agreements as stated on all the chineese webs that sell these machines FUNNY Ha Ha is not what someone wants to hear when they are having difficulties with the people that you as the manufacteruer have allowed to sell machines on yourt behalf and as you say it is your machine which tars you with the same brush as the ....... who did sell it and just maybe you should help which would have shown people that you were a company to do business with but no you have a joke instead at someone elses missfortune and probally have now cost you and your company dearly

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    There are things you can , you may be able to redo the software to run another system as i have resourced all the parts for my machines as the same happened to me , but when you analise these machines you will find that they are as simple as the manufactuers who make them.
    you need to post all the things that are wrong to see if people can help and try to get you up and running. i will look for your machine to see if i can help in any way who knows you may find someone else with the same machine but with different problems, i sorry you have had to learn the hard way that this is how they conduct their after sales policies DO NOTHING and they think it will go away but what comes around goes around (who knows maybe wklasers my just help you as software would not cost him even an offer for you to buy it would have been a gesture on his behalf.
    in the mean time i will look at what i can do but post all the faults with the machine

    Good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have no mechanical problems cause I make this machine test work without software and drivers. All I need is software and drivers rest I've manage. I bought water pump and air ventilator, and I'll make it work, so far it looks like it should be ok, but I can't be sure of it without any usefull programs. By the way thanks for defending my situation dragoneye. this is link where you can find usefull information about hx40a machine
    Once again thanks for trying to help me and I'm looking forward to hear from people like you Dragoneye with more information about my product and getting started with it
    Best regards

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    to dragoneye ,
    I am sure you misunderstood me, I am not the manufacture of the model which anam bought his machine from. I mean if I am the company which sold the questioned machine to anam, I must send our software to Anam right away and help him to solve the problem. But we are not. Now what I can do is to help him find the contact info of the company(the manufacture of the boring machine), if he need.
    By the way, no need to rebuke all our chinese company. I am sure most of us are responsible, only just a few disgusting company exist here and maybe you are not lucky to meet with them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    to WK laser
    im glad to hear that you are responsible, it is just sad that all you read regarding chinese lasers are people with problems of broken machines on arrival and missing parts, myself i purchased from ink-express an ie1200 had a faulty pci cardafter three weeks of working then the problems start one word email replies with no help, i sent all the electronics back by air which took one month to repair all was fine then machine played up again and david chan fell of the face of the earth and has never replied to any form of contact since which is silly on his behalf as next time i fly through Hong Kong he better not be there which is a pity for him the company step servo who part it was would not replace it but would sell me a new one for $1100 us however i had somone in OZ check over the card and all the joints had come away from each other which was compleatly rework and has not had a problem for for months now i also have a ie300 which has worked from day one the ie1200 works for 6 hours solid every day which i put down to the fact that i use deminalrised water and change it every 3 days ( NOW THE REASON I AM TELLING YOU THIS IS ] because i wanted a second ie1200 to the same spec as the one i have already and was looking to set up an agency in OZ as all the machines here are 5 times the price and i think there is a large market here if they are sold with a warantee that does what it says it does and repair the faulty machines.If you had someone in the country you were selling your machines there is a huge potential as the repairs and seviceing is where the big money is as they are charging $200 per hour, THis is why some companies give ther product away for cost is that they have a happy customer who will keep cumming back and sells your product and not bad mouth it on these open forums.
    Either you are the manufacture of the machines or you are just a seller of them as most others are who claim they make,
    May be you can let anam know the cost to replace the software and key he should have received with the machine is it moshi or newly soft he needs this may be his fastest route to his machine working as it should why they wont respond to him i dont know but looking through the archives there is a pattern that this is what happens with the suppliers of these machines which in turn reflect also on the good ones there are nobody remembers a good meal in a resturant but always remembers the bad one.
    i hope you can and will help anam so you will be praiseed and not bad mouthed like others

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hi everybody,

    It is unfortunate that the software is missing when delivered.

    I guess nobody will do something for free.

    In my opinion maybe WKlaser can offer anam a software at a higher price which can then be refunded when anam buys one of the WKlaser.

    OR anam can buy one from solustan - from their advertisment it looks good.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hello Anam, now hot's everything going on with you?? Is this problem resolved? I am not sure that our software can fit your machine. Do you need me to contact the manufacture and persuade them to contact you? If you need, please tell me the company's name.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ALL is OK HXLASER wrote to me:

    "Was sorry very much, Has brought the extremely big trouble to you.
    Cannot again have such problem,Hoped you can forgive!
    We already transmitted the fitting in TNT"

    thx everybody for your help
    HXlaser seems to be good partner in bussines, they didn't reply my posts because they were moving to a new headquaters )

    Adam ANAM

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Adam ANAM
    Glad to hear this news, just like what I said in my last post, I am sure most of our Chinese companies are responsible..


    really a good news for you, also for all of us.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Anam I ve just read that tou have an HX40A. Have you achived to engrave the whole working area? I have an HX40A myself but I can't engrave to the left half of the working area. You can see my posts here: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=225127

    thank you

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Who sells him the person is?
    Why hasn't he served for you?
    Pitiful machine,The percentage of products sent back for repair 100%
    uses the DSP controller 40 machines is good.
    I hoped demonstrates my cnc,laser and model

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    So there is no hope for me to use the whole engraving area. Weird. Because there is no mechanical problem the only thing is the firmware or the calibration I think. Thank you anyway.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I am facing the similar problem on my engraver.

    My supplier has promise to send the electrical diagrams for me to look into this problem.

    Until then i can help.

    Is it possible for you to take some picture of all the electronic boards (under the right hand side door) so i can compare with mine?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Here they are. Good luck.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Image(65).jpg   Image(66).jpg   Image(67).jpg  

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Hi vanton,

    We have the same internal spare parts, i will let you know my modification after it is done.

    Hopefully they will send me the information by this week.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    my wk40 is not working, i have no idea now.

    The parts is same as my wk40, i bought this machine from G.weike, i have no idea about my machine...

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