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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > BobCad-Cam > New V22 Patch on the way
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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Anything new to report?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Update on the patch

    Hello all,
    I just wanted to give you an update to the V22 patch. We are really working things here on the software and are finding little issues that take time to resolve properly. I spoke a little to quickly and admit, I should have handled that better. We certainly appreciate the feedback and the patience that you all have. We would rather you not "beta" test our product, as it is much better that you use it to manufacture the parts you need. With that said, we should have something soon. As far as an exact time, I would rather hold off on that but will say you will have an update soon within a few days. Thank you.

    Chris C
    CNC Dude

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    patch timing

    Cool, anything worth having is worth waiting for.


  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2008

    way to be!!!

    I'm sure I speak for all when I say I appreciate the honesty, and all of the hard work!!!
    At my shop, we are all patiently waiting....but anxious to get things going with bbcd!!!!
    We'd much rather have things right than to be afraid!!!
    Take weeks if that's what you need.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Hope it is soon though I am reverting back to my old software until it is fixed or I just get tired of waiting

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    any new news?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Where is the patch Bobcad. I have the latest build and need my software fixed. If my software is not fixed by the end of the week. I will be return my dongle under your return policy. As it state if the software does not produce used code for your machine you are intitled to a refund. Well V22 can not cut something as simple as a pocket. Your V22 software is crap. If I do return the dongle and so much as get any crap out of bobcad over a refund. I will file a claim in the local small claims court. After all it is only about $15 to file. I bet if Bobcad got hit with a lot of little suits all over the US. Then maybe they will wake up

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    We really don't care to hear this kind of stuff here, or at least I'm sick of the whining. If you have an issue with BobCad, please just call them and work it out between you and them.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by DonW View Post
    We really don't care to hear this kind of stuff here, or at least I'm sick of the whining. If you have an issue with BobCad, please just call them and work it out between you and them.
    Don do you have a mouse in your pocket? Maybe if the software worked you would not have had an issue last week with your file. The fact remains that if the software is not fixed I will file a suit. Guess what.... all it will take is one other person to file a small claims case in another state and I then can have the suit moved to federail court and it will become a class action suit. So you and your little mouse can say what you want I'm have it with the waiting and Chris C empty statement about when it will be fixed.....time to look for new software

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    This bickering isn't going to accomplish anything.
    You want to sue them? Fine. Do it. You won't be the first to file a suit against them, and probably won't be the last. But your verbal diarhea on this forum isn't going to accomplish anything, and frankly none of us needs to add anymore of that to an already overly-stressed situation.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I agree with DonW on this one. We are all finding bugs/limitations etc. But I'm betting you didn't pay $12,000 for this software either. All software has it's bugs, if you are so fed up please send it back Attn to the sales person you dealt with. And the rest of us can wait pateintly for the patch.
    It sounds like they are trying very hard to not have a patch that works the way the current release does. If they were to release a patch just for you that didn't work, then they would get more complaints from the others here that are willing to wait for something that works the way they intended.
    [email protected]

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    If he spent that much amount he will speak in every forum

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Beta Testing ?

    Chris’s last post threw up a red flag in my part of the world. He stated that Bob didn’t want us to be Beta Testers. Is a Beta Test planned? Is it underway?

    Industry “Best Practices” for testing new software loads includes three test strategies.

    Alpha Testing, which is usually done in the development lab by the software developers and product testers. This tests the functionality of targeted features.

    Regression Testing to assure that the code changes haven’t impacted other features in an unanticipated way. This involves testing every unchanged product feature to assure nothing was broken with the code changes.

    Beta Testing with carefully selected customers who are power users that will explore the limits of the product’s features and provide useful feedback to the developers.

    Seems like they’re still doing Alpha/Regression tests.

    I hope their strategy will produce a quality load.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    You are right on target as usual, my friend. This is more regression testing. They've had issues where they released a patch (or more) that caused other issues, so they are trying hard to make sure that doesn't happen again. They are pretty aware that they will have a ton of folks even more upset if they do that again, and are looking to do it right...this time. We're all hoping this is a legitimate effort on their part to fix things once and for all. I think Chris was letting people know that they simply didn't want to put a patch out there that was going to cause other issues, so they are going to thoroughly test it themselves and fix any problems before they release the patch this time, rather than letting the customers find the problems. Sorry if I was a tad redundant...

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Don have you been using V22 for a while know. The issue with the pockets and islands has been going on from the first day the product was released. I know that this is not top of the line software. But machining of a pocket is not a new form of cad/cam. In your line as a fiddle maker. your not in the same boat as a real machine shop so I only vaule your point of veiw a little more than that of a hobbiest when it comes to cad/cam. I don't mean that in an insulting way. Maybe bobcad should not be selling to machine shops and just the hobbiest. I lose a part because of a programming error I miss. The materail can be more than the software. so having to check and recheck simple operations is not right. I also don't understand why anyones opinion in this threard you feel you can say shut up.... are you taking over for Toby

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Why would you use a entry level cad/cam system if you are making parts that are so valuable? Why didn't you go with Mastercam,Gibbscam, Solidcam? I am a machinist just as you are. I bought Bobcad because I am just starting out on my own and I can't afford $10,000-20,000 for sofware right now or maybe ever. It is the old saying of you get what you pay for. I don't expect the world from Bobcad, but they seam to be moving in the right direction as far as what they are trying to do with the software.

    But I think the real issue in this thread is that Bobcad initiated this thread to keep us up to date on the up-coming patch release. If you want to go and start your own thread that is title I want to sue bobcad then go ahead and everyone that cares can come into your thread and agree or disagree. You are totally entitled to your opinion, that's what makes these forums so usefull is everyone has there own point of view and a lot can be learned. But please take it to a different thread and take it up with bobcad directly.

    I'll admit I've only had the sofware for a few days and have not put a program to a machine yet, I have a lot of testing to do before I send my machine off and running with an unknow software. But bashing and outright screaming like a little kid WILL NOT help any of us get what we need, and that is fully functioning software.
    [email protected]

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    No, not taking over for Toby. I just don't think that spewing negativity toward BCC is going to accomplish anything other than getting folks worked up. Life has enough stress.
    As to my background as a luthier...that's not my occupation. I also spent time in the mold design department of a major plastics manufacturer, so I'm pretty well aware of what cad/cam is supposed to do and how it affects production. I agree that the product needs to work, I just don't agree that a negative/threatening tone in these threads is going to accomplish anything, unless of course it makes you feel somehow better to vent to someone...
    I really do sympathize with your plight...I'm dead in the water right now, with a lot of things to do. As I can't afford to spend big bucks on a more professional software package, (as you said, my current need is only as a hobbiest) I must wait as patiently as possible to give the folks at BCC an opportunity to fix it.

    They said they were going to have the patch ready soon, so I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt for now. I don't really have a choice, unless I want to go spend a lot of money foolishly. I can sit patiently and let it all play out, or I can stew over it and get myself all worked up. I choose to be patient. If you don't have the choice, then buy something else and get your money back. Simple solution.



  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    We’re all waiting for the new patch. Seems like anticipation is turning into frustration and anger with some people. Don’t know why Don has become the target of some of the frustration. He usually posts articulate and constructive posts with a positive attitude. Some of us are willing to wait a little longer to see what happens.

    Let’s face it – We are all in this boat ( that’s right – the same boat) because we were too cheap to spring for a more expensive package that has been time tested. It was a gamble that paid off for some and didn’t for others.

    The little jury in my head is still out regarding Chris C’s status as a straight shooter or a mammy rammer. I’ll wait until all of the evidence is in. His updates regarding schedule slips; due to newly discovered problems; should be regarded as a positive – not a negative.

    BTW: Don doesn’t make fiddles. He is a Luthier – that doesn’t mean he makes "Lutes" either.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Actually, I'd love to make fiddles. They sell for a lot more money than guitars!

    It's my own fault that people get mad at me....I admittedly sometimes go on a crusade for civility, and am not afraid to make a post to someone to that end. Sometimes I think I should just shut up and let chaos rule, because in my attempt to create civility, I achieve the opposite. lol

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Well..I am a Catholic but I won't hold it against Don!!!


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