Hi guys,

Up until now i've been getting a local company to do my machining of small metal parts for my business. I've now taken the plunge and bought a small 3 axis milling machine with 3 motors attached. The guy who sold it knows nothing about it as the owner moved to India and is not contactable.

Each of the 3 motors has a cable with 4 wires inside. This is all the information I have.

The unit is very similar to this: Syil X2 CNC Milling Machine | eBay

Am i correct in assuming that all i now need to have a cnc controlled mill, is to connect a PC (with Mach3 software) via a small interface like this? 3 Axis CNC Router TB6560 Stepper Driver + Display + Control Pad + Aluminium Box | eBay

Many thanks for your help in advance!
