A friend & I are making good progress making his CAMASTER go. Were very close to having a program to cut my furniture legs that need allmost no sanding. We are both getting more experience with making his machine do more & more cool stuff. My friends machine uses Mach.

I'm starting to understand his frustration with WINCNC on my Shop Sabre. He has spent the last several years using Mach & WINCNC does not support all the code that Mach does. After a lot of playing, we were getting nice corner radii & coves. When I got home to my WINCNC SS, no G17 - G19 & no k word in g2 or g3. I suppose if the cutter is long enough, one could cut an inside or outside arc from the side of the 4th axis. What do you all do when you need to cut a radius in the XZ or YZ plane with WINCNC? Appreciate your help.