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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Okuma Lathe Setups

    I just started a new job using Okuma lathes like LB15, LB25, Cadet & Cadet15.
    I never used them before and my new co-workers are reluctant to train me on doing setups. (Competitive maybe?)
    Could someone take me step by step with:
    a) re-naming the old program while it's in the machine
    b) sending the old program from the machine back to the computer
    c) sending new program from the computer to the machine

    i dont know the official name of the software in the computer
    but on the desktop it says Okuma Comm.
    I noticed while watching a few of my coworkers that they do something with
    EditAux/Pip/Punch and EditAux/Pip/Read

    Someone said that the old program has to be renamed because the program that is running starts with the letter A. So in order for the new program to be uploaded, you have to get rid of the A at the beginning of the program you just finished running.
    Not all old programs get sent back to the computer unless a permanent change has been made to it. But they save most used programs in the machines just in case they have to go back to it any time soon.

    I have more setup questions but i'll stick to the software part of it for now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by New2CNCs View Post
    I just started a new job using Okuma lathes like LB15, LB25, Cadet & Cadet15.
    I never used them before and my new co-workers are reluctant to train me on doing setups. (Competitive maybe?)
    Could someone take me step by step with:
    a) re-naming the old program while it's in the machine
    b) sending the old program from the machine back to the computer
    c) sending new program from the computer to the machine

    i dont know the official name of the software in the computer
    but on the desktop it says Okuma Comm.
    I noticed while watching a few of my coworkers that they do something with
    EditAux/Pip/Punch and EditAux/Pip/Read

    Someone said that the old program has to be renamed because the program that is running starts with the letter A. So in order for the new program to be uploaded, you have to get rid of the A at the beginning of the program you just finished running.
    Not all old programs get sent back to the computer unless a permanent change has been made to it. But they save most used programs in the machines just in case they have to go back to it any time soon.

    I have more setup questions but i'll stick to the software part of it for now.
    Oh boy do i feel sorry for you facing that kind of feeling in the work place, I encountered the very same attitude to training when I started my current job many years ago. I was told that I wouldn't be shown how to do all sorts of things because I probably wouldn't stay, that person left and I stayed! Now know much much more than they do when it comes to programming.

    To rename a program, change to Edit mode.
    If you know the program name press the "Extend" key (far RH end of the screen) to change the screen menu to the next page of commands, you will see a function key called "Rename".
    If you do not recall the exact filename display the directory on the machine by pressing the function key "DIR", if there is more than one page, pressing the "write" key will tell the machine to scroll through all programs until it reaches the end of the list. To advance one page at a time press the "BS" (backspace key).
    When you can see the name of the program you want to rename you press the "rename" key, type in the name of the file as it is now then a comma (,) and the name for the file as you want it to be, then press the "Write" key,
    i.e. R A.MIN,SHAFT1.MIN
    This will rename the program A.MIN to SHAFT1.MIN
    To send a program from the machine to a pc use the "PIP" command. This command is within the EDIT mode screens also. Use the "Extend" key to cycle through the screens to find the PIP command.
    Pressing the PIP key will display a series of commands used to send (Punch) and receive files.
    You will need to set up the PC to send or receive the desired file first.
    Press the "Punch" key followed by the name of the file to send, if you want to, you can send and rename the file in one motion.
    Press "Send" then the name of the file to send followed by a comma (,) and the name of the file as you want it be sent.
    i.e. Rather than renaming the file first and then sending the file, you can send and rename in one go.
    Receiving a file is done the same way. Setup the PC to send the required file and then on the machine press "Receive" then "Write".
    If the incoming file has the filename as the first part of the file, you will see the name of the file appear on the screen as it is read in. If no program name is present, the machine will tray to read the file in with the name ""A.MIN".
    You will be given a choice to overwrite an existing file if one exists. your choice.
    As the program name "A.MIN" is the default name, I used to use that all the time, saves a lot of typing! Pressing Edit mode then "Edit" and "Write" will immediately open program "A.MIN" for editing. In Auto mode, pressing "Program Select" and "Write" will select "A.MIN".
    Keep in mind you do not need to type in the ".MIN" file extension as this is assumed by the machine.
    To read in a program and call it a different name you can do this by pressing "Read" followed by a comma (,) and then the new name of the file as desired.

    Keep in mind that I have done these rambling notes from memory, so some of the function names might be slightly incorrect, but you will see the obvious choice on screen. The "Rename" function might be under the PIP command, not real sure now that I think about it... only way to know is to go to the machine and cycle through all the choices on each screen.

    One big hint, if you ever feel the need to press the "Init" key, take a real big chill pill and walk away before you regret it! This key will "Initialise" the user memory on the machine and ALL USER PROGRAMS WILL BE ERASED!
    But don't panic, only YOUR programs will be gone, not the operating system files.

    Hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    O:KUMA guys opinions on LNC 8 BB , 1995 ish,are they as rock solid as LB 15?thanx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Yes. They had 2 models then, so make sure what actual model, they had a short bed and a 20". Later cadets were all 20". Not all had tailstocks either. Biggest problem I ever saw was the ru1 board, the chuck would stop working. A 10 dollar repair job to solder in 2 new relays.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    good to know,thanx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I believe PIP stands for Peripheral Interchange Program, or something like that.
    Think of it as copy.

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