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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > Okuma OSP U100L serial on a LB300
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Okuma OSP U100L serial on a LB300

    First off all, I must say that I read all the posts regarding this issue before, but I could not found a suitable reply.

    The controller is a Okuma U100L that I have for a few months. Until now all programming that I did was on the controller but now I need to send larger programs to the machine and I need to have the serial port working. I will try to give all the info that I can think relevant.

    Program to send (test program to send):

    G1 X40
    G1 X100

    Cable: A simple software handshake cable, DB9 to DB25. This cable was tested on a Fanuc machine, so the cable is ok, departing from the principle that the software cable is accepted by the okuma (please read below why I also think that the cable is ok).

    On the software side (from others posts):
    4800 bps
    7 data bits
    2 stop bits
    Even parity

    On the control side:
    I tryed many combinations of each setting (less the obvious ones like parity = even ...), but the control have many other possible combinations with several options that are strange to me.
    I would ask for a snapshot of someone that could share a working connection of page 2 (I/O settings) and page 3 (channel 0). This would be a great help in setting the correct values. I also think that it could be a important reference to others as similar issues to mine are current.

    I must say that the closest that I got was the controller complaining that the program name does not match the destination name or something (controller is not in english), while using the R PUNCH word. Using R CN0: or using R CNO:, gives a time out error.
    Since the controller displays the name of the program (HELLO001.MIN) when showing the error I must assume that the transmition and the cable is correct, it is like the end off the program is not detected or something is preventing the write.
    I only have 3 programs on the machine, so no lack of memory space.

    I have attached my current config and the errors that I am facing, while trying: R PUNCH R PUNCH,filename R CN0:

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    You may be starting from the wrong end. But you are close
    Okuma call this standard transfer as PIP

    - try punching the file from the controller first, this is used to ensure cable wiring & transfer settings are correct
    the control does add characters in the correct place & format upon file transfer

    then when that file is in the PC and you are happy with the PUNCH settings, you then send that file back to the control to get the READ settings correct.

    I must say that the closest that I got was the controller complaining that the program name does not match the destination name or something (controller is not in english), while using the R PUNCH word. Using R CN0: or using R CNO:, gives a time out error.
    Since the controller displays the name of the program (HELLO001.MIN) when showing the error I must assume that the transmition and the cable is correct, it is like the end off the program is not detected or something is preventing the write.
    It seems you are close, the problem is the name of the file & the header filename are in conflict. ----- replace the $HELLO001.MIN% with just a % until you get the comms running OK
    so if the header has HELLO001.MIN then the filename should also be HELLO001.MIN...then if you executed >>R CN0: <WRITE> it would work... but if you typed CN0:,XYZ.MIN then the file would be saved in the control as XYZ

    your CN0:, ( CN zero colon comma FILENAME.MIN ) is used to rename the file to another name in the control.....MIN is a default extension , so it can be omitted, if the filename is omitted then it is assigned A.MIN
    R is to read in, P to punch out ( to the device that is stated next ) (so... R READ is not a valid command )
    CN is the data outlet, normally 0 (.....a zero)
    FD is the floppy drive, if fitted....normally either 0 or 1
    MD is the hard drive in the control, either 0 or 1 ( 0 is for the protected system files, 1 is for your MIN files )
    comma is used to delineate between the pieces of information, not spaces

    you should be able to run your baud rate at 9600 without any problems
    note.....read & punch settings are usually different parameters

    the system disks are needed to change the controller language

    hope this helps you out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Using Superman tip, I started to test the transfer from the machine to the PC. The received file was almost random.
    After a few changes on the cable and settings I was able to get the transfer to be ok.
    For others reference I finally ended using the cable described in a file present in the net named OSP 50207007000ULUM.PDF

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