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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > old dog new tricks
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    old dog new tricks

    Hi guys
    Am new to The Zone and CnC I build professional loudspeakers and am looking to build a router to replace me.I do alot of routing by hand with templates,sometimes weeks on end.Besides taking ten times longer than by machine and doing this for 35 years ,my back &every joint aches. I really need a machine.The zone has been a wealth of information.Being a small business I am quite capable of building a machine, I have knowlege of electronics I can understand servos,drives linear rails etc.BUT SOFTWARE is killing me.I just dont get it.Is it true you cant teach old dogs new tricks.I think it is true.People {in the business}[of selling routers] say its easy.I know other people over 50 in the business and they dont know how to run their machines.They have to pay someone to program for them.
    On a hurmorous note:
    If you dont know how to program a VCR,should you not be thinking of building a router?
    If you dont know how to retrive your cell phone messages are you a lost CnC cause???? Wow i recently learned how to put phone#s in the memory maybe I am not alost cause.
    Can you open CD cases without breaking them?
    Any hoo is their other old farts out there with duh to softwar[software]???
    What I am trying to ask is where do you start?What cad cam etc. is easy?
    Just had a thought, maybe should take a course this fall.Dont know why I just figured this out.You know older people are slow.
    Hope this was a little funny .Iam never too serious
    One more non CNC I am over 50,My wife is 28, have no problems there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    To put it crudely: your main business will be making sheets with holes in them. All the moves you do to make them manually can be translated to make them with a computer. I would consider buying a router, because you don't have to bring up the complexity, but you can use the complexity to your profit. Visit trade shows, they mostly have capable technicians, with whom you can discuss your problems. If your production has a high repetition rate it will be different then if you are constantly doing one-offs.

    Taking a course can never harm, old people are slow, but they take less time consuming random jumps. Throw in a little experience and we are just as effective. Maybe you can team up with your wife in this. And, don't ever be too serious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Well if you need inspiration, have a read of this for new tricks...

    It is a bit of reading but worth it, especially the photo's towards the bottom.

    Credits to Al The Man for the link.


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