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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Omitting areas from 3d laser scan

    Good Tuesday all!

    'm looking for anyone that can tell me how to omit areas of an object from a 3d scan. How do i get the scanner to not scan certain areas. The scanner produces STL Files and I have the Hole Filling size reduced to zero. I'v been trying Reflective Surfaces such as Foil, chrome objects etc, There is some patches omitting but its not good. Any Advise?

    Thanks a mill Folks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    What kind of scanner is this?

    And why do you want to skip certain areas of your model? Shiny surfaces will confuse the laser and create erroneous points, but that's not something people usually want. You'd be better off painting the surface black in areas you don't want to scan, and turning down the laser power a bit (if that's possible with your scanner). Alternatively, you might try pasting some black velvet over the areas you want to skip. But usually what people do is scan the whole model, and cut out the areas they don't (or do) want later on, using a software program.

    Andrew Werby
    ComputerSculpture.com — Home Page for Discount Hardware & Software

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    3d scanner

    i can control the resolution and the sensitivity and the STL hole fill. I need to omit sections before hand as there is no way of measuring the cut out positions on the software. Ill try a dull surface. Thanks!

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