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IndustryArena Forum > OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards > Open Source Boards Available, Stepper Drivers and Break Out Boards
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  1. #381
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Talking Hey Phill, i gess i made ****, hahahaha!

    My feeling sad that i must "mirror" the PCB lay-out. I did it, when i saw it on the copper i got the mess.... OH NO !!!!! Now i have no laser printer to mak other lay-out!!!!!!
    But to my first try i am happy for now! And the GOOTEE tecnique is very good. I don´t know if it will work with the chemical stuf, but i liked.
    This is my first try, i never tryed to do a PCB before.
    For those who don´t know how too, see the master GOOTEE page at:
    it could be very usefull to aour hobby.

    What do you think guys? :drowning:

  2. #382
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Exclamation I forgot the picture!

    see ya guys.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails first-gootee-board.jpg  

  3. #383
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Your backwards. Toner Transfer is a challenge at times but I do it periodically. I've probably had the best luck with glossy magazine paper that had mostly printing on it (no pictures). I soak mine in warm water with dish washing detergent. For me the key to the process is getting good even heat. I use an iron on it's highest setting. I also leave at least 1/4" of copper around the layout. Seems when I put it close to the edge, I have problems in that area of the toner sticking to the copper. I have also had better success by putting a piece of plate aluminum down, getting it hot with an iron first, putting the board on it with the copper side up, then laying down the printed paper, then ironong. Seems like the aluminum back helps even the heat transfer.


  4. #384
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    @MrBean: My drives can be configured for 200 to 4000 steps / rev.
    On my machine, microstepping improves up to 1000 steps/rev, beyond that there is very little improvement. It just places more work on the PC. But this also depends on the mechanic solution. Direct coupled vs. belts (stiffness), ballscrews/Acme screws, CI slides / Ball rails (friction), and general stiffness of machine. I tried full step, it was horrible! Not only the sound, but I was worried about the machine itself. The mechanical resolution is not much better above > 500 steps/rev. The stick slip of the CI slides seems to be the largest factor from there.

    I'd go for nothing less than 1/4 stepping (800 steps/rev).

  5. #385
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

  6. #386
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What are you saying? do you simply cut a magazine page and print on a laserjet? Is that right? Why do i need to buy a blank photo paper? wow...

  7. #387
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    That's correct. If you have a magazine around that has glossy pages and is mostly just print so there is a fair amount of white. The glossier the better.


  8. #388
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Testing the PCB:
    Guys, how can i test my board in real stuf, like, moving the motor? What do i need to send the step/dir data to the board? Do i need to low my current to control the steps?
    Oh guys i am very exited, ia am about to finish my machine!!!!! My first CNC !
    Thanks guy, thanks all of you, MASTERS!

  9. #389
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Ito, you can test he board with a couple of jumper wires and the on board logic probe with just supplying power. See the checkout section of the documentation. WHen you are ready to hookup a motor, a simple pushbutton switch to pin 5 of jp1 the other side of the switch to board gnd. Pusing the pushbutton will should make the motor step. You may get more than one step each push depending on the switch because of mechanical switch bounce.


  10. #390
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hi there, Masters! I got lights !!!! It´s amazing! Just a light made me almost cry, oh.... hhhhehehehe, so i will start to test my PCB, but I don´t understood, do i put a wire on probe pad and toutch something so see the RED (LED2) lights on or OFF? Is that the ON/Off logic probe?
    Other thing: tel me what is pin1,2 and 3 to direction...
    Thanks guys, i gess i got it, 2 light I already have!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails its-alive-2.jpg  

  11. #391
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    :banana: Hey I tested something, it´s OK, but what the hell is the pin 3 and 5 from JP1 ?
    I just cant understand very well.
    Sorry guys! I am VERY EXITED !

  12. #392
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Great news Ito,
    You may have to bear with me a tad, I'm helping troubleshoot a different board in another thread. It takes me a bit to refocus. For the short term remind me which board we're working on so I don't goof. (And I do make mistakes :-) ) JP1 is the dual row 10 pin header (5 pins per row) that cables back to the interface board. Look at the document, pin 3 is dir (direction signal) at the beginning of the document it is shown in pinkish/purple, and pin 5 is step (each logic pulse on this line makes the stepper move)is shown as brown.


  13. #393
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    :banana: Hey Phill: I drinked a beer remembering your help just now!!!!!
    WOW It works, all works!
    I gess i will not sleep today!!!!!
    I wanna see my motor shake!!!!!! :cheers:

  14. #394
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    It all works?


  15. #395
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    oh its the discrete driver!
    Sorry dude!

  16. #396
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Not a problem, as long as we get you the right answers.....


  17. #397
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hey Phill, sorry the abuse, but:

    In what fet can i put the green, green´, red, red´wires?
    thanks dude, you are the king!

  18. #398
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I assume you mean motor wiring? If so and just making an educated guess without seeing your motor winding info:
    X9-1 green
    X9-2 green'
    X8-1 red
    X8-2 red'

    Are you running a power supply the same voltage as the motor voltage rating? If the power supply is higher you need current limiting resistors.



  19. #399
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    :cheers: :banana: IT´s ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks Phill !!!! Yahooooooo!!!!!
    It´s Alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. #400
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Way to go Ito.

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