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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Plans in laymen's terms

    Why is it that it is close to impossible to find plans for this in a simple PDF or any other picture formad but Acad, eDrawing and such. No one is going to copy it for commercial use because it not. If I went to a ordeal of showing them in a eDrawing format, why not just offer the same in SolidWorks, and since there, do some prints and show it to the people in a plain 2D.

    If you want to contribute to the society do it all the way or don't. This is not a space shuttle, it's a model airplane with 3 motor on it, please. Or what about the people that do not have Solidworks or Inventor and do not know how to get it, and would like to experience the idea.

    Should we expect more from a "too much butter generation" of ours. I guess not . As in Rome.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The viewer for solid works is free!! All YOU have to do is down load it!!!! READ the thread!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Goran321 View Post
    Why is it that it is close to impossible to find plans for this in a simple PDF or any other picture formad but Acad, eDrawing and such. No one is going to copy it for commercial use because it not. If I went to a ordeal of showing them in a eDrawing format, why not just offer the same in SolidWorks, and since there, do some prints and show it to the people in a plain 2D.

    If you want to contribute to the society do it all the way or don't. This is not a space shuttle, it's a model airplane with 3 motor on it, please. Or what about the people that do not have Solidworks or Inventor and do not know how to get it, and would like to experience the idea.

    Should we expect more from a "too much butter generation" of ours. I guess not . As in Rome.....

    Dude, Joe offered the plans for FREE!!! AutoCAD has a FREE viewer, SolidWorks eDrawing has a FREE viewer and SolidWorks has a FREE viewer. The plans are also offered in SketchUp format which can be had for FREE. They are also available in STL & Pro-E formats. Joe has moved on to a bigger and better CNC table, see his Joe CNC 4x4 Hybrid thread for more details. He also stated in numerous posts throughout the JoeCNC2006 thread that he had neither the time nor the interest in producing a complete set of drawings for that machine. If someone wanted to do it fine, but he made it clear that it was NOT going to be him.

    Other people, some of which had little or no experience in this field, have used the drawing formats he did provide to make quite a few working JoeCNC Model 2006 machines. I'm sure with a little time investment on your part that YOU CAN TOO! We all have to start somewhere. What's great about CNCzone is everyone tries to build on the work of others. There are all kinds of mods to Joe's original drawings that make his machine perform faster, with increased accuracy and better repeatability. A hearty welcome to the forum! Now that you're a part of CNCzone, you can help by picking up where Joe and others have left off and make a contribution of your own.

    As with most things that are internet based, Google (or one of the other search engines) is your friend. The old adage is true, people really do help those who help themselves. Somewhere, buried in an old CNCzone thread, is one of my gripes about what crummy tools I had to work with when I was building my JGRO CNC machine. Others were quick to point out that the measly selection of crummy tools at my disposal was better than what others had used and were using to build machines even more elaborate than the JGRO. It turned out that that was just the reality check I needed to get using the tools I had instead of wasting the time griping about them.

    JGRO provided a complete set of plans for his CNC table in PDF format. Even so, they were not without error(s). With a bit of trial and error, some help from others here on the 'zone, and a whole lot of persistence and hard work I was successful. Now, I'm the proud builder and owner of a working, 'sail blue', JGRO CNC table.

    If you want a complete set of drawings in PDF format for Joe's Model 2006, step up to the plate, help yourself and future builders, too.

    It's in your hands,

    Don't be the one that stands in the way of your success!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Goran you sound a little grumpy so I'm going to put how this works in "laymens" terms. Joe spent hours, if not days total just designing this machine and perfecting the 06 and has been kind enough to release the machine for FREE. The way I read your initial post in this thread you sounded like a guy complaining to a person handing out free samples that they weren't prepared and served on special China platters with silver spoons and forks to go along. Take what you can get, this website is very valuable. No one here within reason expects to have their hands held until they have chips flying, and no one said this would be easy. You take what is provided and use it, you don't sit back and hope someone feels sorry for you and does everything to your needs. If you're looking for that kind of parenting you can purchase plans with a price tag that provides that kind of service. Joe's plans are clear, concise and easy to follow. He has a general user manual, all parts drawn into autocad and the entire machine modeled in solidworks. The viewer for it is free as well; no expensive software to obtain/purchase. You can get free DWG viewers as well. Print it out as you wish and build it. You can buy a kit or build everything yourself, that freedom is up to you but the machine is open source and free for anyone to build. What more do you want? And I like how you describe this machine as a crude "model airplane with 3 motors." If it's so easy to design/build, why don't you just design your own?:rainfro:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    OK, I do not know what the deal is but, I DID NOT MAKE PLANS FOR THIS MACHINE, I offer Free to everyone, the drawing files and many other format that people can use at their own leasure, If you want to build the machine fine, if not then it is everone choice to build another machine.

    and as HayTay says, I did mention this several times and stated if someone wants to dimension it and post the drawings feel free to do so.

    BTW, X-Mas is celebration of his birth not death. Easter is celebration of his resurrection.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Wheres the respect? Joe spent so much time designing, testing, and helping others to build the machine and you're going to complain that he didn't do enough. First, these plans are free and he offers them to the community, if you don't like them fine, but don't complain about it. Second, he offers multiple CAD formats for his plans and I'm able to view most of them and you don't see me spending thousands on software, its all free. And then you're complaining that people who don't have Solidworks should have a chance to experience the idea. What do you suggest, we send out a newsletter to the whole world so everyone gets a chance to 'experience' the idea. If someone wants to view the plans they should get off their ass, download a viewer, and build this machine like everyone else. If you want the 2D Files and Solidworks Files...THEN DO IT YOURSELF! That is what I'm doing, making myself the 2D files, why should Joe have to do that.

    The lack of consideration on your part is unbelievable. I'm 15 years old and I'm managing to build this machine using the plans Joe supplies. Be grateful for what you have and deal with it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hi, where can I get the plans? I would like to check it out and maybe build one myself.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Goran321 View Post
    If you want to contribute to the society do it all the way or don't. This is not a space shuttle, it's a model airplane with 3 motor on it, please. Or what about the people that do not have Solidworks or Inventor and do not know how to get it, and would like to experience the idea.

    Should we expect more from a "too much butter generation" of ours. I guess not . As in Rome.....

    rediculous !!!

    Joe's contribution to the forums has been great , he's done this out of passion and not profit ,so that guys like you can build a solid system without having to do all the thinking yourself , a lot of people would be willing to pay for Joe's plans , because that is the best setup available with paid or free plans . the guys here appreciate the fact they were offered rather than Joe putting the plans up for sale , clearly some people are not appreciative !

    ive got the pdf ,its fairly straight forward , what more does a guy need
    and honestly anyone that cannot understand how to make it work , with all the information that is provided , they should ask themseves if the are cutout to be getting into cnc , because if you can t figure this end of it out you'll never figure out the rest
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sbthomas13 View Post
    Wheres the respect? Joe spent so much time designing, testing, and helping others to build the machine and you're going to complain that he didn't do enough. First, these plans are free and he offers them to the community, if you don't like them fine, but don't complain about it. Second, he offers multiple CAD formats for his plans and I'm able to view most of them and you don't see me spending thousands on software, its all free. And then you're complaining that people who don't have Solidworks should have a chance to experience the idea. What do you suggest, we send out a newsletter to the whole world so everyone gets a chance to 'experience' the idea. If someone wants to view the plans they should get off their ass, download a viewer, and build this machine like everyone else. If you want the 2D Files and Solidworks Files...THEN DO IT YOURSELF! That is what I'm doing, making myself the 2D files, why should Joe have to do that.

    The lack of consideration on your part is unbelievable. I'm 15 years old and I'm managing to build this machine using the plans Joe supplies. Be grateful for what you have and deal with it.
    at fifteen youve clearly got the attitude that will get you far in life ,more so than many adults, good luck with the build
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Goran321 is not going to get his christmas gift from santa and get diminsioned plans.

    If you want them do it, but out of all the people here i have no interest in helping you at all. Being rude will get you no where in life. you could have asked in a polite way, but you still insist in perusing your tone, So you will get no help from me and more than likely no help from others as well.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Interesting 3 messages are missing from this thread... I am not normally into censorship , but in this case it was more then likely for the best .

    I second Joes feelings. You get more out of people with honey then BS.

    Joe , Thanks for your design and all the help you have given us all

    To All have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    What we need to do is ignore this person. When he is no longer the center of attention, he will move on. I don't think we should validate him by responding to his BS.(nuts)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by calgrdnr View Post
    Interesting 3 messages are missing from this thread... I am not normally into censorship , but in this case it was more then likely for the best .
    When posts get deleted for violating rules, other posts that quote them or reply to them tend to get removed as well, for obvious reasons.

    As BigMike said, with these guys come around, it's far better to just ignore them. And he's already moved on, btw.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

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    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Thanks Joe

    Joe, there is no way to please everyone. I had no trouble building the machine using your posted information and I am neither a CNC expert nor a woodworker. Maybe the fellow wanted you to build him a machine. I think others let him know how we feel about rudeness on this site. This has been the most helpful site and I love the tone of most posts, helpful without making even a beginner feel stupid. There is an entire community out here that is very grateful to you for your hard work and the fact that it was just to help people is even more satisfying. Thanks very much. Ignore the poor guy who obviously needs anger management help, he would probably complain if you hung him with a new rope.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Wood or MDF or Play wood

    Hi all
    Please advice me which is better to use in building Joes R2 Wood, Mdf, or play wood. I have access to all in meteric mesures except wood that are in inches. If Mdf or play wood is better i can help in converting joes plans -after he accept that i can do that- to meteric version. Just need to know what to choose and why. I know that plywwod and wood are not as heavy as MDF but in the contrary they are more stronger. Please give me ur opinions

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