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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Hardinge Lathes > Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi all,

    Came in on Monday after a weekend out of the shop, fired up the Hardinge Conquest GT and was greeted with a '911 RAM Parity Alarm (4n+1)'

    Tech guy on the phone said there was no way out other than Reset + Delete on start up to gain access to the motherboard and rule out that the motherboard wasn't FUBAR.

    This does indeed load up and required me installing all my parameters again, no problems there, restart the machine, all looks great except now my collet open / close button doesn't do anything, also means that it won't start the spindle without the collet being closed.

    Apparently there is a procedure for regaining the collet working, requires the air being turned off and then a parameter change and then turning the air on. Unfortunately I can't find anything on it, so could anyone shed any light on the situation?

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hello all,

    I've been fortunate enough to receive the Hardinge Technical data on how to perform this operation. Will type it up tonight and hopefully make this thread worth while to someone in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Copy of the reinstate process for enabling the collect to work on a Hardinge machine again after complete loss of parameters and settings (Holding down Reset + Delete on start up)

    After CNC memory is reloaded collet closer status bits must be set. They can be done as follows:

    1. Turn off the air supply to machine
    2. Turn off the program protect key
    3. Set PWE to 1
    4. Set the status bit (see below)
    5. Turn on the air and restart the machine

    Setting the D bits:
    1. Press the 'SYSTEM' hard key
    2. Press the 'PMC' soft key
    3. Press the 'PMCprm' soft key
    4. Press the 'DATA' soft key
    5. Set Parameter to '0', Type to '0'
    6. Press 'G-DATA' soft key
    7. Go to address to be set (see below)
    8. Input data using the input key
    9. Set PWE to '0' when done.

    Setting the K bits:

    1. Press the 'SYSTEM' hard key
    2. Press the 'PMC' soft key
    3. Press the 'PMCprm' soft key
    4. Press the 'KEEPRL' soft key
    5. Cursor down the the k-word
    6. Change the bits needing changing.
    7. Change PWE back to '0'

    Collet D & K Word Setups

    CL - 18T
    Main Spindle set K8.3 to 1, K8.6 to 0
    Sub Spindle set D303 to 1
    Steady Rest set K8.0 to 1, K8.1 to 0

    CN 18T
    Main Spindle set D380 to 1

    HG 18T
    Main Spindle set D349 to '4' = Open to '-128 = Closed

    HG 21T
    Main Spindle set D349 to '16'

    Cobra 42 21T
    Main Spindle set D349 to '16'

    CL - 0TC
    Set D349.3 = 1 to = Open
    Set D349.6 = 1 to = Closed

    T42 18T
    Main Spindle set K8.3 to 1, K8.6 to 0
    Sub Spindle set D303 to 1
    Steady Rest set K8.0 to 1, K8.1 to 0

    T42 18TB
    Set D108 to 16488 for Close
    Set D108 to 2856 for Open

    SN 18T - Dual Path
    Main Spindle set D302 to 1
    Sub Spindle set D303 to 1

    VL 18T
    Main Spindle set K8.3 to 1, K8.66 to 0
    Hope this helps someone in the future!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi Andy, i have the same problem, i hope u can help me...
    i got an VL 18TB and i allready try to setup the collet whit this procedure, but its not clear for me the part off taking off the air supply, i actually just close the valve before the supply of the machine, its that rigth? in my case i use this bits "Main Spindle set K8.3 to 1, K8.66 to 0", and restart the machine, doesn´t work for me... do you do something else? please tell me all the details, thanks
    sorry for my english...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi Aaron,

    Basically that document should be followed as you do the top 5 points in that order, when you come to point 4, you then have to either enter a 'D' bit (in which case follow the second set of points) or a 'K' bit (follow the last set of points).

    I'll explain how I would do it if I was setting your machine:

    (With the machine running and the control on)

    1. Turn off the air supply to the machine - this will bring up the low pressure alarm, ignore.
    2. Press the OFFSET/SYSTEM hard key, and change PWE to 1 - this will bring up another alarm notifying you are in Parameter Write Enable
    3. Now press the SYSTEM hard key
    4. Press the PMC soft key
    5. Press the PMCprm soft key
    6. Press the KEEPRL soft key
    7. Cursor down the the k-word
    8. Change the bits that need changing needing changing.
    9. Press the OFFSETS / SETTING hard key and change PWE back to 0
    10. Turn the air back on
    11. Reset all alarms - All alarms should now clear.
    12. Turn the Control Off, as a matter of course I also turn the Isolator on the machine off and give it 10 seconds, before restarting.

    If this doesn't fix it, double, triple check where you are writing this bits and make sure you have the right Parameter line. Then double triple check you have the right control.

    I hope this helps, don't apologise for your English, I'm understanding you perfectly.

    All the best, Andy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi guys,
    I'm going through this with a Cobra 65 with 21T right now. I used the Cobra 42 procedure from above but when I try to change D349 to 16, it flashes 16 for a split second but then goes right back to 0 and the chuck still won't close. What am I missing?

  7. #7

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi I have exactly the same dilemma with a Cobra 65 with 21T. The batteries were flat when we purchased the machine and, after loading parameters supplied by Hardinge, worked our way through the various alarms. Final problem relates to the chuck which does not respond to the button on the front panel. Tried the above procedure by changing D349 to 16 and it flashed back to zero in the same manner a Ukraine Train. Would anybody have any idea how to resolve this as it would be sincerely appreciated.

    Cheers Gordon.

  8. #8

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    The above procedure for Cobra 41T i.e. D349 to 16 is the same for the Cobra 65. The parameter has to be entered with the emergency stop active (computer ONLY switched on) otherwise the parameter entry will not be accepted as described above. Hopefully helps someone in future.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hi guys
    Can you help me with the parameters for a Hardinge cobra 65 with numerical control Fanuc 21-T.
    The battery died and I lost the parameters and unfortunately I have no beckup.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hello I have the same problem di you fix your if so will you help me

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2023

    Re: Reinstate Collet Close after Parameter Loss

    Hello will this work on a Hardinge cobra 65 I lost all my parameter's win I replace new batteries

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