Hello all have been researching your methods at building 4x4 plasma tables. Lots of good ideas on homebrew guides, rails, frames and so on, all ones I have considered.

I am in NB Canada and was researching Canadian suppliers of cnc control systems and hardware. I found Motiontek.ca and been looking at their cnc kits. Has anyone here purchased / used these? They seem reasonably priced.

I would like to use manufactured linear rails, rack & Pinion drive hardware and so on but money will likely dictate that. I work in metalfabrication and have basically unlimited supply to plate and lineal steel, and most all machining tools. I have drawn up many parts that I may or may not use to be cut from plate as there is scrap available to cut from at scrap price to me.

I would likely purchase a hypertherm 1250 as we have these at work and I am familiar with them. Also I think I can get a good price on a college demonstrator that is coming available in the spring.

Researched Mach software and seems to be good stuff, so will likely go that route. It has familiarities to the esab equipment I program/operate at work, same principles just laid out differently.

Seems funny to want to build my own 4x4 table when I have 2 esab gantrys with 3 torches each running on 4 - 8'x20' tables at my dispense but I guess I just want one in my garage!

Anyways just wanted to poke my head in the door and see if there were anyone that has built using motiontek components and may have any other advise.