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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Servo Motors / Drives > ServoStar CD amplifier for CNC router
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Question ServoStar CD amplifier for CNC router

    If someone can help with these questions:

    1. ServoStar CD drives have RS232 serial ports for command input. Can 3-4 drives be operated from PC with Mach2-3 (or other soft for PC) ?

    2. The drive labeled on front - CR 06 200; side- BASE MODEL NO CP30318; VERSION 3 phase. "CR" is for resolver feedback but seller told that drives were working with Kollmorgen GoldlineXT MT1506A1-E1C1 (motors with encoder). Can it be possible (for Mach2-3 particularly)?

    3. Will ServoStar CD "VERSION 3 phase" work from single phase supply?

    Many thanks for your time spent on this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DSCN6646.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Hello, i have some experiences with the CD drives, hope it helps:

    1. Mach generates the step/dir pulses on LPT port of your PC, therefore you must connect your PC to servostar through this port. First you need is set up your drive through rs232 link and the motionlink software. You must use opmode 4 (gearing mode) and then you can connect the right pins from LPT to individual drives (the input connector on the drive is at its top side, 9 pin female).

    2 CR as you said, means resolver feedback, you cannot connect it to encoder based motors. You must change the feedback device or buy a new motor.

    3. Yes, i work with the 3 phase version powered from 1 phase too. Just simply plug the L and N lines from mains to L1 and L2

    hope it hepls

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    You need to wire up a differential output to the "remote encoder" plug at the top of the drive. Here is some info I received from PMDX about this issue. It seemed to work ok, but you need a good 5V, not the 3V that parallel ports usually have.

    "RS-485 step and direction input is possible via the
    C8 connector. This input has a 3 MHz step rate limit.
    You could drive this input by connecting the step
    and direction outputs from a PMDX-122 to the positive
    side of the corresponding RS-485 input. The negative
    sides of the RS-485 inputs would need to be biased
    at about 2.5 volts. This could be done using a resistor
    divider from the "E5V" supply on pin 7 of C8 to the
    "DC common" on pin 3 of C8. Using two 220 ohm, 1/4 watt
    resistors should work and can be shared for all RS-485
    negative side inputs. You should also connect a small
    (0.1 uF will do) ceramic capacitor from the 2.5 volt
    junction to "DC common". The "DC common" would also need
    to be connected to the GND output at the PMDX-122 step
    and direction connectors. This configuration would
    not result in isolation between the computer and the
    control section of the Kollmorgen drive, but the drive
    probably has internal isolation between its control
    and power sections."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Rs232 config


    I actually have bought a Servostar Cd and would like to use the RS232 C8 connector to use with Mach3.
    I Would like to first use my CNC4PC BB to test and setup the drive.
    Should I make the setup with the Resistors and Capa?
    I was hoping a direct input setup using a RS232 and the BB.

    Thanks for help,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    There isn't any way to hook up directly to a normal breakout board. You need a differential signal for the kollmorgen to work at all. CNCbuildingblocks had a breakout board that would do this...but right now he is no longer selling boards

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ok, thaks for the fast answer.

    I was asking about because I was searching how to communicate with the C8. Now I must buy small capa. to test.

    I'll post when done, maybe with a picture.

    I'll use later my G100, but actually Imust send it back for repair. There's a Rabbit problem.

    Anyway, thx again.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Does the G100 offer differential line drivers?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I don't think so, but at least it should be the same than a BB, so the setup you explained should work. If not I think I'm gonna explore the OP Amp way for 24V signals trough C3 connector. With the Bandwith and added delays effect.... Nothing's perfect. Then I hope to pick an output signal for double check the closed (DDR motor) loop system with the G100 inputs.

    I'm looking for a Reducer for maximal stifness, say torque, system capability (+/- 200Nm)
    Input is around 9.8Nm nominal Value Rpm: 0 - 400
    If you know where to Find... (cheap of course). It' for my new setup, I'll try to go 5 axis milling system.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hmmm, I would try to use the C8 connector if at all possible. If you can't get the voltage divider circuit working then it may be possible to find a chip that will convert single ended to differential. Whatever the case, it's usually best to keep as high a step rate as possible so your system will be smoother. Also, you have any more info on your design? Sounds like a pretty interesting project, and I may have some ideas to help you out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I agree with you about connector C8. It's why I first search to work with C8.
    Maybe Should I make a new Thread about my project. I'll work on that, with pictures, drawings, explanations etc...

    I was a Taig user before this new milling machine, but Taig as some limitations that cannot anymore answer my projects.
    Mainly about parts size, machine rigidity and machining speed.

    I'll keep this post updated When possible, I havn't got the time to buy the capacitors, maybe tomorrow.

    I'll keep you in touch.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I found that in the G101 Manual (same as G100)

    Quite interesting....

    I'll try to findout how to!

    Analog to Digital Converter differential or single-ended mode
    (bit 4)
    The G-REX has the analog to digital converters default to single-ended mode, in other words there are 4 separate ADC inputs. The ADC mode bit specifies whether the ADC is to operate in single-ended or differential mode. Single-ended mode means that there are four independent inputs, referenced to ground. Differential means that ADC inputs 0,1 and 2,3 are used in pairs. In differential mode, there are still four readings available. The readings, for each pair AB, are A-B and B-A. Whichever reading would be negative is set to zero. For more details about differential mode, and general characteristics of the ADC, please refer to the Texas Instruments datasheet for the TLV0834 ADC.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    That looks like it's only analog...what you need is digital. I searched for 5 minutes and came up with this...jeez I wish I had found this sooner I'm looking for a price right now


    Also, this is designed for an encoder signal..so it may not actually give a signal that doesn't match a valid quadrature output. In otherwords you may not be able to step one side at 100khz while the other stays high or low. The smoothstepper has an option for quadrature output instead of Step/Direction so this would work awesome setup as...

    Computer->SmoothStepper->Breakout->Level Converter->ServoStar

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Nice job!

    I'll ask in Germany for prices. If you can get a quote from US, maybe cheaper.

    Time to sleep...


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I've been to the electronics shop and I'll test the setup with resistor and capa as you described earlier. Maybe it'll work.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    A nice day

    It works perfectly well
    I did the setup as you mentioned and I'm able to rotate the motor from Mach3
    For sure it's quite slow but it doesn't matter (there's a sine encoder with 2M counts...)
    and I didn't setup anything in the gearing ratio, mach3, just the port and pins.
    Anyway, I contacted Elmomc and I wait for their answer. I also found their distributor here in Belgium. I'll give a call tomorrow.

    Thank you for your help.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    WOW, sounds awesome. If you have a scope I would look at the signals to make sure you're getting nice clean pulses. If you can't do that, then just setup a test to cycle the motor back and forth for a while to see if it's missing steps anywhere. Oh, and for sure you can make the motor WAY faster with the electronic gearing..kollmorgen drives have a ton of nice features.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I do not have a scope, It's a future buy, but first ballscrews
    Then maybe the flat cyclo reducer for the head, quite expensive....+/- 1800€
    And later the scope, but I need one for my bikes engine tuning....
    I changed kernel speed in Mach3 and did the back and forth it seems to be fine but ...
    I nedd first to setup the PID config within the drive, but there's no real interest since no load is applied and nothing is setup, but I'll do just to try for sure.
    The stiffnes isn't great actually. That's plenty of torque but pertubations are easy to do and not real time compensed (PID).
    I do not remember the output speed of the gecko but i think it's much much faster (1M? or more?)
    I tried to post some picture but I have a problem with my account, no way to upload...

    Step Pulse Frequency Range and Resolution:
    000 = 4.194MHz, 128Hz 100 = 262kHz, 8Hz
    001 = 2.097MHz, 64Hz 101 = 131kHz, 4Hz
    010 = 1.048MHz, 32Hz 110 = 65.5kHz, 2Hz
    011 = 524kHz, 16Hz 111 = 32.7kHz, 1Hz

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    For sure the operational speed of the actual setup is quite below... and edge effect will rise with frequency.Definitly I'll try to get a Elmomc but there's stil a major problem to work at full speed:

    Maximum absolute incremental 400 KHz single (cfr. see_ug_1102)

    Maybe another solution to find.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    That DDR motor will tune so tight you can't see it move when you shove on it. With 2million counts...it'll probably only move 10-20counts before the servo drive is pushing out some huge current to correct the error. Just make sure you set your current limits while you're tuning so the motor/drive doesn't get too hot when you type in the wrong number and the motor starts trying to kill itself :rainfro:

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    It's quite easy to not blow the motor, I was obliged to choose the motor type and all the matching values are setup immediately, there's only a real setup when you reach the later panes, it begins with encoder, then inputs outputs, thermal management, ......... and many more....

    I bought Granite Devices servo Drives and they are very intuitive to tune, maybe more than the motionlink software from Kollmorgen. But it's far away easier and simple than Servostar Drives. (But they do not are that complicated).

    I begin to really see a world of tests and tries, tests and tries, ...... before I'll end up with a global solution with my milling machine. And I do not have really started...

    In french we say :" Les joies de la mécanique", it means literally "Joys of Mechanics" it's ironic but true..

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