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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > Mastercam > Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    I probably have a rookie question but I recently started a new job and I am having an issue. I will explain to the best of my ability and hopefully someone can provide an answer.

    To start, We are running SolidWorks 2014 top of the line. Also running Mastercam X7. I mostly have programming experience in HSMWorks. The only real time I spent on Mastercam was in college.

    Anyways, I am trying to import files from the engineering department and they are drawn on a different plane. Basically the X is fine and the Z and the Y are flipped around. Even running a simulation it shows me that it is cutting threw the part. Such as a plate that needs holes and slots but it would be flipped up and sticking out six inches and the spindle would crash into it during a rapid.

    I know that there has to be a way that a person can set the origin needed to machine the part without having to re-draw the entire part just so I can machine it. It would seem pretty stupid if that is not possible.

    Any help?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    In Solidworks, Y is "up", in Mastercam, Z is "up" (well, usually), that's why it comes in flipped. I always rotate the parts once they are opened in mastercam by using the "Xform" menu and rotate. There's other ways as well, such as setting your WCS to match how it was drawn, but I rarely mess with that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    A Solidworks file imported into Mcam comes in on the FRONT view

    simplest work-around is to use the WCS, That way if the model needs corrections, and re-imported, it does not require manipulation
    - part could be in any plane ( & in the middle of nowhere ),

    alternatively, use the Xform 3D, remember to have the 2D/3D (bottom toolbar) set to 3D..... This also allows plane re-alignment....but you need to practice to know how it works

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    You are better to use a differnt wcs on mastercam for machine leave the part the same way it import so any modification from design fall at the same place

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    It is important when you first start using Mastercam that you master the WCS. Import your part > Move it where you want it > Set your WCS on the sides you want to machine. You would be suprised on how many people do not machine the whole part in one file.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Re: Setting part orgin from SolidWorks file

    Now if you are doing 2d you can download the 2.5 axis free of HSMWorks., but if you are needing to use it in X7 Mastercam use the WCS.
    look thru a few of these videos for using the WCS.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)
    Software and hardware sales, contract Programming and Consultant , Cad-Cam Instructor .

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