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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Uncategorised MetalWorking Machines > Vertical Mill, Lathe Project Log > Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end
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  1. #1181
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by skillalot View Post
    Good news folks, I spoke to Defeng.
    I think that is great news! Did you confirm if these two latest shipments were from him?

    I was very pleased interacting with Defeng at the start of my transactions with him, but truly can find no reasonable excuse for him to have NEVER entered in to this thread to give any kind of explanation... Not having access to GMail is a single (weak) excuse... Hopefully he can rebuild the trust he has lost to this point. If I were to ever order from him again, it would have to be contingent on receiving product prior to payment or some agreement to keep me from being 100% "exposed" on the transaction. If my controller works on my machine I could see several other Mikini owners wanting to do the same, but the way my transaction went, I could not suggest anyone to take the same risk I did.
    CAD, CAM, Scanning, Modelling, Machining and more. http://www.mcpii.com/3dservices.html

  2. #1182
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    Aug 2008

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by skillalot View Post
    Good news folks, I spoke to Defeng.
    I won't tell you how, because then everybody will try to contact him and things will get more delayed probably, but anyways here is the news:

    Defeng had many bad issues over the past half year. Everything was stopped because he broke with his former partner.
    He moved to a new facility and is restarting his business now. We will soon see progression again.
    He will get back to this forum soon aswell, to break all the rumors, and he will also bring SVM-1 together.
    The Chinese government is blocking google at the moment, so he can't open his gmail account.

    sorry but that's bs, there are lots of other email accounts besides gmail, his own site host would have an email address he could use to contact people to explain the delays, yahoo, hotmail, etc, tons of free email accounts he could have created. probably hear an excuse that where he moved is the one spot in the world without internet, lol. hope you guys get whats due you but anyone would be a fools fool to trust this guy ever again.

  3. #1183
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I was reading back and seen another long delay of post from him. It may have been 6mo to a year. Don't recall however. Regardless that was before his absence had involved thousands of dollars from you guys. A glimmer of hope. There should be accumulated interest on your guys' purchases.

  4. #1184
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by mcphill View Post
    I think that is great news! Did you confirm if these two latest shipments were from him?

    I was very pleased interacting with Defeng at the start of my transactions with him, but truly can find no reasonable excuse for him to have NEVER entered in to this thread to give any kind of explanation... Not having access to GMail is a single (weak) excuse... Hopefully he can rebuild the trust he has lost to this point. If I were to ever order from him again, it would have to be contingent on receiving product prior to payment or some agreement to keep me from being 100% "exposed" on the transaction. If my controller works on my machine I could see several other Mikini owners wanting to do the same, but the way my transaction went, I could not suggest anyone to take the same risk I did.
    Hi, a lot would depend on the accepted payment method......using an escrow payment service may not be acceptable to the seller due to the increased cost etc, so even if you wanted to have a payment method of your own choosing........if you don't pay the bill upfront you don't get the order started.

    I bought a car on EBAY 2 years back, cost me 5 grand....money went into the sellers bank account and the car was delivered 2 days later......no money no car....that's EBAY's method of transaction unless by agreement with seller as to cash on pickup.

    As I said before, we are dealing with a seller in China and we're not dealers or have any credit rating to impress the seller with, so it's cash up front as the seller (Defeng) indicated, or no sale and you lose your place in the queue.

    I will admit it's a gamble when you fork out a few bucks up front.....but when you play Poker you ALWAYS put your money down before you see the other guy's cards.

    I have faith that Defeng will eventually be able to get the act polished and presentable for the first night performance.

    Would I commit dollars to buy again from this seller?.......of course I would, once the show is on the go.......the product range is something to write home about.....that's why we're here.

    In case it was overlooked in the panic rush for the exits.........engineering is a very particular and fussy discipline and if you want to produce goods that are the benchmark of your future work program, you have to have the machinery and personnel set up to get the end product, and Defeng has stated that he wants to produce machinery that will stand as an example of how it should be done with quality built in and not added as an afterthought or retrofit like some so called " turnkey" products that have been discussed elsewhere on this forum.

    If it takes another year to get the package deal I went for....then so be it.

  5. #1185
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    If Defeng actually does get his company running, and your guys machines shipped, I would be willing to pay a small percentage up front (maybe 10%) to get the build process started, and the balance in an escrow account.
    I would even be willing to cover all costs of the escrow.
    I'll gamble one or two grand. No way in hell I'm willing to fork over $20,000 up front in "good faith" for 2 - SVM-2's.


  6. #1186
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by high-side View Post
    If Defeng actually does get his company running, and your guys machines shipped, I would be willing to pay a small percentage up front (maybe 10%) to get the build process started, and the balance in an escrow account.
    I would even be willing to cover all costs of the escrow.
    I'll gamble one or two grand. No way in hell I'm willing to fork over $20,000 up front in "good faith" for 2 - SVM-2's.

    you wouldn't hand that money up front to haas either.

    its hard when starting though, sometimes you need that money otherwise you cant do anything at all. (hence the reason a lot of cnc/3d printer peoples love kickstarter). im not sure if defengs issues are cashflow though. seems more "logistical".

  7. #1187
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    LOL.....yeah, try buying ANYTHING on EBAY and state you will pay when you get the goods..........ain't gonna happen.

    Defeng, and anyone else making stuff against an order, has to safeguard against the nut cases who get shy when the time comes to pay up......especially if the order was bespoke and included a lot of preferences that deviated from the normal catalogue item.....like in my case.

    The escrow method works by having someone hold the cash until you get the goods and verify they are to your satisfaction, which means you could dawdle a bit and nit pick all kinds of non existent occurrences, especially if you've changed your mind at the last moment and wanted a Tormach instead......who's to verify the truth that you state the goods are not to order or whatever?

    Even at a second hand car dealership you pay your money before you get to drive away, and we all know that second hand or "pre-loved" car dealers are people that have your interest as a prerequisite for satisfaction....LOL.

    With second hand cars you get a warranty that states that the offending item will be repaired but no refund will be given.

    The die has been cast....hope we get double sixes for a free go...LOL.

    If you were offered a buy now pay on delivery deal how would that benefit you?.....supposing the goods were so out of tolerance due to mishaps in the workplace change around in China.....you would have already paid the money at the door and only after opening the box, plugging the machine in, having loaded the software etc and got the wheels going round and round, only to find the workmanship was not as you thought it should be.......where's the safety net in that case?

    There have been many sob stories of cheap EBAY routers that failed to perform, but people still have to pay up front knowing that they too could be buying a lemon.

    Provided there is a good rapport with the seller and he is well endowed with integrity, then all things bright and beautiful will happen

  8. #1188
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    As one of the optimistic, ?naive "inbetweeners", hoping maybe beyond hope that my svm-1 eventually ships, there is a brief article in the New York Times Sunday editorial section on 9-28-2014 that maybe is partially relevant to my/our "situation". The article heading is "The Great Firewall Gets Bigger". It confirms that the Chinese government/ Communist Party have for sometime, especially since August 2013, put serious blocking controls on websites,email services, vpn tunnels and services such as Google as well as email in and out of the PRC. This is to control dissent and is seriously interfering in many spectra of business and/or scientific research. All in the zeal to censor and prevent dissent! Even mudane actions like entering ads on a web site or looking up an online catalog are blocked. General Motors for example, the article notes, has moved many of its China executives outside of China just so they can function. Between Defengs illness and or cashflow/capitalization difficulties and now this, it may explain some of our lack of communication.
    Chuck Menz

  9. #1189
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    Aug 2008

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by clmenz View Post
    As one of the optimistic, ?naive "inbetweeners", hoping maybe beyond hope that my svm-1 eventually ships, there is a brief article in the New York Times Sunday editorial section on 9-28-2014 that maybe is partially relevant to my/our "situation". The article heading is "The Great Firewall Gets Bigger". It confirms that the Chinese government/ Communist Party have for sometime, especially since August 2013, put serious blocking controls on websites,email services, vpn tunnels and services such as Google as well as email in and out of the PRC. This is to control dissent and is seriously interfering in many spectra of business and/or scientific research. All in the zeal to censor and prevent dissent! Even mudane actions like entering ads on a web site or looking up an online catalog are blocked. General Motors for example, the article notes, has moved many of its China executives outside of China just so they can function. Between Defengs illness and or cashflow/capitalization difficulties and now this, it may explain some of our lack of communication.
    Chuck Menz
    people don't seem to have any problem contacting and receiving replies from ebayers from china like chai at linearmotion, he replies from a yahoo.cn account promptly.

  10. #1190
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    I expect a lot of EBAY dropshippers all report back to the home base for their orders.......

  11. #1191
    Join Date
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    chai is in tianjin china where he will machine the parts to your specs which is why you contact him to send your blueprints and he ships very quickly and proves that they can make contact if they want to. incase you didn't know his email is @yahoo.com.cn. that means it's in china. there's been far too much speculation going on about why defeng hasn't been responding, lets hush and wait to hear from the man himself as skillalot has said he will soon do, clock's ticking...

  12. #1192
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    Jun 2007

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by bjones View Post
    people don't seem to have any problem contacting and receiving replies from ebayers from china like chai at linearmotion, he replies from a yahoo.cn account promptly.
    luck of the draw. when google did the whole chinese censored version years ago it was reported that 80% of people already had (usually illegal) google.com access. its a situation that probably changes daily for different people over there.

  13. #1193
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    more speculation, perhaps one of the things defeng will explain is how he was able to post here before and how he is able to post this time, starting soon right skillalot?

  14. #1194
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    If He explains goverment will cut it .... goverment doesnt like income ...

  15. #1195
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Quote Originally Posted by Tkamsker View Post
    If He explains goverment will cut it .... goverment doesnt like income ...
    so the chinese gov will make his posting here disappear? that explains why some of mine do the same.

  16. #1196
    Join Date
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    the Chinese government owns the NSA. they can remove your spleen through a phone line.

    its true, I heard it on the internet.

    actually, speaking of internet stupid. I was researching motors last week and holy hell theres a lot of dumb people on youtube. a magnet is not a source of perpetual motion!


  17. #1197
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    It is if you throw it into outer space.

  18. #1198
    Join Date
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    its so sad. half the videos were of people trying to create some sort of mental "over unity" generator. they must have missed the physics lesson about how that's not possible in our universe. psst... its not the government hiding it from you, its just not real.

    anyhow. wheres skyfire, I may need an svm-0 soon to make motor housings! :P

  19. #1199
    Join Date
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    Hi Avno.....an SVM-0 you say....better stand in line now the coming out of new enterprise by Sky and co is about to happen.

    Even with a new all singing and dancing show there has to be some delay while the new batch of castings cool down.......called aging.

    At the start of this thread we had a gap in the posting by Sky of about a year so that would mean we would have superior castings from the old batch as opposed to anything that is currently being made, but the average user will never ever know the difference.

  20. #1200
    Join Date
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    Re: Show how to build a CNC machine from the very beginning to the end

    So, any word from Defeng?
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