Actually the price of Fusion Machining Extensions has come down ($1600/year down to $1470USD (tax inclusive)/year)....not gone up.

Fusion Basic has increased in price from $500USD/year to the current price of $747NZD/year plus 15% GST tax or $859NZD/year or equivalently $524USD(tax inclusive)/year.
Overall my annual subscription is $106USD/year cheaper now than it was.

does the future hold is anyone's guess but if I was a betting man I would put money on the fact that Fusion will be more expensive within the 5, 10 and/or 20 year period.
I'll take your bet.

Even if I rejected Mecsofts annual fees VisualCAD/CAM Premium is five times the price of Fusion Basic/Machining Extensions. Slow down and think about that. In order to do
simultaneous five-axis with VisualCAD/CAM I have to find $10k.....now, before I can do a single toolpath. With Fusion Basic/Machining Extensions I pay $2k and I can get started.

The title of this thread is 'Least Expensive Options for Simultaneous Five -axis CAM'. Mecsoft is not even in the hunt.
