Hello, almighty CNC gurus.

I have a problem with starting Hitachi HG500 machine with Fanuc 15M/Micon 16 III controller. I newer had Micon, so it is new to me and I have only electric diagram and ladder, so maybe I just don't know how to work with Micon?

I have errors on Micon that I can't reset:
2A71 Coolant high/low uplift pump o/l - this error appeared because I started machine with empty cooling water tank. Now tank is filled with water, but I can't still reset this error. Looked into scheme and ladder, looks pretty simple, from tank goes water level signal, which causes this error. Now float is lifted up, doesn't send signal, machine should be happy. What it could be? (P.S. "o/l" - can it be "overload"? I didn't found any thermals in the chain)

2AE7 SP. Fan motor start alarm - pretty simple to, there is detector on spindle fan starter, if it is turned on, sends signal to the machine, which tells that fan is OK. This error appeared because starter was stuck, a bit oxidized. Now it is working well, when turned on it definitely sends signal to the machine, but error does not reset.

2A15 Air pressure lack - simple as a pie, if no pressure, pressure detector sends signal. This error appeared when I forgot to turn compressor on. Now there is pressure, detector works as expected, but can't reset error.

2A45 Oil air spouting alarm - This error appeared when one of pipes jumped off its connection. Now, as I see in ladder, it can't be reset until I reset previous error 2A15.

On Fanuc there is no alarms in the list, only alarm indicator in panel is lit (as I understand it indicates that Micon is "unhappy", right?)

Besides, Sometimes, when I press "STANDBY" button on Fanuc operators panel, to start machine to the working state, STANDBY button light is blinking, and sometimes it is light up normally. No additional alrms nor on Fanuc, nor on Micon appears. What does it mean"