first let me say I can do lots of stuff but learning new (to me) computer software and programs ISN'T one of those :drowning:

Ok I picked up the logtech pro 9000 web camera like recommended , also got a green 532nm 10w laser and my son downloaded the free version of the David 3d scanner for me and I am trying to set my objects to scan on top of a 10" rotary table. I am having lots of problems (probably all my fault) with understanding how to set and run the David program to start with but also have some other questions.

1) when using a rotary table how do you guys get the backing board with the alignment paper in close enough to the object on the table? I currently have a alignment paper taped to some cardboard and pressed up to the bottom edge of the table but that is about 2" off the edge of the table top itself

2) also having problem with the camera angle and distance. I have the rotary table set on on a lower shelf and I am having to back the camera out 24 form the backing board (16" form scan-able object) which is out in the room I also would like to mount it around a 22 degree down angle looking at the object so it can scan the hollow inside parts but the laser doesn't get picked up there

3) I will need to find out how to make a indexable laser but I am no where near ready for that yet

I guess the first thing I need is a video simple enough I can understand what to do without getting furstarted