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Thread: Ripped Off

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Ripped Off

    To start out, I'm just a home hobbiest with an X3 series machine that I have been nickel and diming together for the last few years. Been lurking on here learning stuff.
    I don't use this machine to make money just dub stuff in my garage shop.
    So I have been looking at CAD/CAM software packages that I could afford and learn on my own. I downloaded the Dolphin stuff and seemed to like it, I have very little CAD experience, and this package has a lot of tutorials on Youtube, seemed like it had potential for my application. IF the price was right.
    So once you download it you start getting the pestering salesman phone calls, I understand they want to sell. He gives me the typical salesman talk, sometimes we have special offers, etc etc. I hold out because it's just more than I can afford at the time. I end up with some personal issues and told him to call me back in a month or so.
    He calls me back and happens to catch me when I'm in the garage actually working on the machine. Good timing on his part. So we start talking numbers blah blah,has to get with his boss to let it go this cheap, (the old used car salesman trick). So I get it for a price I'm happy with, all the support bells and whistles etc.
    Then I tried to register. Not working. I try Emails. No answers. I get it to work t where I send in the code. Weeks go by. No answers, no Emails, no communication at all.
    Fortunately I used a credit card that has buyer protection, file a claim an get my money back.
    Still no communication. Did they give me such a low price that they changed their mind?
    I don't know. Not impressed.
    Anyone else having these problems?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Ripped Off

    Dolphin recently terminated their agreement with their US reseller.
    Contact Dolphin in the UK.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Ripped Off

    Probably not.
    Burn me once shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me.
    The whole experience has left a bad taste in my mouth.
    Thinking about selling my machine before I really get a chance to use it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ripped Off

    please tell me you guys are not going to continue using the chris bricker character?

  5. #5

    Re: Ripped Off

    Dear Orcogunworks

    Chris was operating under the sales parameters set by the previous distributor, the lack of response to emails, calls and License requests was the root of the problems we encountered and these were all the responsibility of the ex-distributors approach to admin. Chris took a lot of heat for this even though he had no power to rectify the issues. If you want to go over any issues please email me direct with contact details and I will call, skype or write back.

    Dolphin Cad Cam Systems Ltd
    Dolphin CAD CAM Ltd

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Ripped Off

    Hi..... why don't you give Fusion 360 a go....it's free if you aren't into production and making a 100 grand a year.....it's CAD with a CAM function too.

    BTW.....the only way to treat compulsive salesmen is to use your answering machine.......when one comes on just ignore it......if you're on an open phone line you're a fool waiting for all the sales blather........in that case just give them the "sorry, wrong number" routine and hang up before they can get you into a conversation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Ripped Off

    Ok, thanks I'll look into it.

  8. #8

    Re: Ripped Off

    Dear CJG

    Please contact me direct at [email protected]. I am a Partner at Dolphin Cad Cam Ltd and am trying to clear up the mess left by our previous distributor.

    For behaviour like this plus other unacceptable practices we terminated this Distributor with immediate effect at the end of August, there are a small number of Clients such as yourself from whom he has taken money and is now ignoring all emails & phonecalls. Even though he has taken your money he is not passing these details to us.

    I refer you to a client who was in your position (on this Forum see Thread "Rant does anyone return emails") for whom I was able to resolve the situation. Please contact me direct and I will do my utmost to assist. If you send me your telephone number I will call.


    Dolphin Cad Cam Systems Ltd
    Dolphin CAD CAM Ltd

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Ripped Off

    Quote Originally Posted by mmmilligan View Post
    Dear CJG

    Please contact me direct at [email protected]. I am a Partner at Dolphin Cad Cam Ltd and am trying to clear up the mess left by our previous distributor.

    For behaviour like this plus other unacceptable practices we terminated this Distributor with immediate effect at the end of August, there are a small number of Clients such as yourself from whom he has taken money and is now ignoring all emails & phonecalls. Even though he has taken your money he is not passing these details to us.

    I refer you to a client who was in your position (on this Forum see Thread "Rant does anyone return emails") for whom I was able to resolve the situation. Please contact me direct and I will do my utmost to assist. If you send me your telephone number I will call.


    Dolphin Cad Cam Systems Ltd
    Before falsely accusing others Mr Milligan, please refer to your current rep Mr Chris Bricker. This is his sales cycle, and the one who has nickle and dimed this gentleman. Every single customer on my end has been taken care of, as have all direct emails.
    Dolphin CAD/CAM Support

  10. #10

    Re: Ripped Off

    It was the ex-distributor who set the operating parameters for their staff, it was the ex-distributor who took this Client's cash, it was the ex-distributor who did not pass on a license request to Dolphin. Finally, as the term 'nickel & dime' has been raised, it was the ex-distributor who recorded this $300 sale as being $250 in the monthly sales returns. This was not an isolated error but appears to be a systematic approach by the ex-distributor, an approach for which we have 2 emails from the ex-distributor containing full admission. This behaviour did not arise with a company we had only recently met but with one which we had an 8 year trading relationship. I would be the first to admit at being blind-sided on this one.
    Dolphin CAD CAM Ltd

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Question Re: Ripped Off

    I am really not sure what is going on with Dolphin but I have been getting calls from Chris the past 5 days offering me a V14 upgrade with all the training and support I want or need at an unbelievable price which has yet to be revealed. Per Chris it is total 3D Cad/Cam with a complete simulation package and 4th axis support. This has convinced me I don't want to pay for anything more from Dolphin.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: Ripped Off

    I was under the impression that Dolphin CadCam had stopped doing business with the USA distributor but they recently called me to "Offer" me Version 14 for $400 almost wouldn't take no for an answer. Now I don't think that I want anything to do with them. The Great Britain side of the business was very helpful getting me up and running but the people in Pennsylvania are typical high pressure sales people that should be avoided at all cost. I wish that somebody would straighten this out so that we all could back to making chips without all the drama!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Ripped Off

    To follow up i have received a phone call from Mr Chris Bricker who was very apologetic and seemed to wish to help. my issues were resolved by Andre who posts here some time ago. I was assured that support problems have been taken care of and if needed there was a number that actually worked for training and tech support. i am fine with paying for a tech call as i simply do not have time sit and play with this till it works. i will follow up again for the benefit of anyone else with dolphin cam

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Ripped Off

    As I am no longer affiliated with the Dolphin product line, I still will chime in as more than anything, my customers were of the utmost importance to me. The high pressure sales and refunds that came about were the ultimate downfall. The fact that a customer or prospect can buy v14 PRO for $195, and then the very next guy can be charged close to $1,000 is the way that it now works. I had over 100 refunds that I had to fight due to the salesman, who now operates Dolphin in the USA and Canada sold false promises too.

    Should you need help with Dolphin, I would strongly recommend going directly to the guys in the UK. They are good folks that will get you sorted out.

    All the best.
    Dolphin CAD/CAM Support

  15. #15

    Re: Ripped Off

    I don't really enjoy rehashing things like this, my preference is always for a positive approach and on that I can report that I am working with the originator of this Thread and hopefully will be able to assist him in evaluating our product. On all the comments that are being lobbied I would like to state that :- 1) Our ex-distributor set all sales operational parameters, 2) The lack of support and License supply was due to the ex-distributor not acting on email requests and telephone calls which were his main responsibility and his alone. There was one occasion mentioned where a Client was told we would look at CNC output for a Fanuc Robot, well we did look at it and the post processor was completed. Finally, on the subject of price variance, it has always been the policy of Dolphin to look favourably on Hobbyist Clients who do not intend to use our products in a commercial environment. We appreciate that the circumstances of these Hobbyist vary and accordingly we give the Sales operation the latitude to ensure as many as possible are able to use our products. This results in the price variances mentioned previously but we believe our policy to be overall the best solution open to us. If any person wishes to speak to me direct on any of these points then please email me at [email protected] with contact details and I will be in touch.

    Dolphin Cad Cam Systems Ltd
    Dolphin CAD CAM Ltd

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: Ripped Off

    I would like to say that Mr Milligan has gone above and beyond to take care of this problem for me.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Ripped Off

    You can add me to the list, sad to say I was over $1000.00. Unfortunately I do make a small amount of money with my machine and had to keep it running, so as my wife said "suck it up Buttercup and move on". Cross border transactions leaves me with little recourse.

    Tim Clarke

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Ripped Off


    I would like to add to the above that this is absolutely false. Chris Bricker was the main point of contact for every prospect and/or customer that he had spoken with. He dealt with emails, license requests, etc. Due to an overwhelming unsatisfactory rate, and an alarming rate of refunds that had come in and were fought, he opted to ignore emails and go onto the next. As mentioned before, it's a buy at your own risk, as lemons are being sold left and right.

    Hopefully these false accusations will eventually dissipate as I would like to be done and away completely with Dolphin.
    Dolphin CAD/CAM Support

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