I have a Supermax FV85A, like this http://s3.amazonaws.com/machinetools...8/IMG_5114.JPG. It has a Fanuc 18M control. For some reason my tool changer keeps crashing. I checked everything I could think of including air tool oil, Z home position, air pressure, spindle orientation, I changed the arms on my tool changer, I cleaned everything.
This could be a combination of things, but It looks like the arm is grabbing my tool, but when it swings the tool into position to go into the spindle, it is raising the tool as it spins, and it is smacking the pull stud of my tool into the teeth on the collar of my spindle. It looks like it is raising the tool before the arm can get into position. And every once in a while, the arm will crash out and bend, or it will just freeze, and then we have to go to through the lengthy process of fixing it, or returning it to its home position manually.
I have only been running this shop for about 6 months, but my operator tells me it has been doing this for quite some time. The fellow before me has a box of spare arms because it bent so often.
So the question is, is there a perameter that I can change, or something I can plug into the tool change macro, to slow the tool changer down, or change the way it moves when it changes tho tool?