I'm pretty new to posting here so hopefully I'm in the right location.

Here's my issue:

Starting Point: I'm trying to transfer my G-code to my DX-32 MS-DOS system (from a: to c: drives). I've done tons of troubleshooting and trying different solutions and now I'm just stumped. So I'll explain the symptoms and then go thru what I did to try and correct the issues and what results I got.

Trying #1 to copy via MS-DOS (copy a:\file.txt c:\txtfiles\file.txt) I get an error via the a: 3.5" floppy saying bad sector. Fail, Retry, Ingore, Abort....selecting Ignore will eventually copy the file but about 200 lines in it goes to garabage language.

Then try #2: Open Edit application c:>edit. In the MS-DOS Editor open file a:\file.txt and it loads!!!! Or so I thought.....in the NCverify it goes nuts ever so often....looking back at the code.....every 200 lines or so a block of 50-100 (approx) lines is missing....huhhh????

OK Try #3: Buy new floppy drives, format, copy fresh files.....verify on 3 different computers that I can open the a:\file.txt and see that ALL the code is there and complete....Ok, so now I have a good Floppy with Good Code. Go to VMC800 Copy files like Try #1.....Same Result.....Try #2....Same Result.

OK Try #4: Floppy must be bad....so Change out the actual floppy drive...Now ready to rock and roll. Try again like the Try #1.....Same Result....Try #2....Some Result.

Ok Try #5...So it might be the RAM....Dropping blocks of code via #2 (I can't understand #1...trying to improve #2). Ordered new RAM and 2x the amount....Try #1....Same Result....Try #2.....IMPROVEMENT....Imports the gcode....I think its all there....but veryifying shows that now usually only 1 Block of Code is missing about 50 lines. It has improved....So its its got to be the RAM....move the RAM to different Slots....Same Result.....take one stick out....Same Result. I've bought more RAM but its not in yet....But why would taking out 1 stick not make the problem worse....its the same result? Also why can I not improve Try #1?

So now I start thinking about shotgun troublshooting....So I get a 3.5" floppy USB emulator....Try this out....Success on setup....easier file transfer....taking out the mechanical problematic 3.5 floppy all together (Great). Try #1.....Same Result....Try#2(5)....Same result as #5.....So now I know its not the Floppy/floppy drive.

Has Anyone Seen This? Know of what I might do next to get my files on my VMC800 DX-32 system?

I've been trying to research DNC....and I'm totally clueless on how to get it done on my old Bridgeport. Anyone done this one a Bridgeport VMC that could help, or Other ideas? I think I've got an old 486 motherboard...So is there some kine of secondary IDE that can take some kind of media (USB, micro SD, etc....) that I can use to copy to C:?

Thanks for ANY HELP!!!