
I installed the Fenner "Power Link Plus" 3/8" spindle drive belt last night and ran some back to back tests which I recorded on video. The purpose was to measure vibration, but I decided to video them for posterity. I'm glad I did because I was shocked at how much louder then Fenner belt was than the OEM Tormach belt. This is exactly the opposite of what I've been seen about the belts here. I've condensed the video testing into a short video and put it on Youtube.

I have confirmed that the arrows marked on the outside of the belt are correct with the direction of spindle rotation. The spindle test was run in increasing and decreasing 1000 rpm increments from 1000 to 5000 rpm. I've got a separate project regarding spindle vibration going, so that's what the cell phone with accelerometer application was doing. This belt test is tied in with that test, but the noise was loud enough to distract me from that portion of the project for now.

Do I have too much tension on the belt? It's so much louder than the OEM belt that I'm inclined to remove it. Does the belt need to run in? I haven't read anything here that indicates that it does. Input?
