Hey folks,

I am starting my first CNC project and though this will most likely not be a detailed build thread, I will try to post some pics from time to time. I am building a CRP4848 with upgraded rack and pinion using nema 23 electronics and a Gecko 540. Basically, I bought everything from CNC Router Parts since I did not want to run around sourcing things myself. I just need a machine to work and need it quickly!

I choose to build my own base rather than buy their leg kit so I got started on it yesterday. I wanted heavy and something that had a lot less natural wood movement so I choose to use LVL's (laminated veneer lumber). I was a custom home builder for 18 years and use a lot of LVL's in structural applications so I know very well what they are capable of. LVL's also have less movement due to changes in humidity of any wood product I am aware of. That seemed important for a precision machine!

I started with 1.75" x 14" LVL's and ripped them to 6 7/8" wide. I jointed them on the jointer and planed them to get them nice and smooth. For the legs, I used some 1.75" x 12" LVL ripped in half. I then glued 3 together to make a roughly 5"x5" leg. I decided to build the base fairly short compared to some of the machines I see on here since I will be handling 4x4 sheet of up to 3/4" acrylic and did not see any point in lifting it any higher than I had to! I may regret making low. The legs are 28" and once I put the 3/4" MDF on it and add my extrusions, my bed should be around 34" off the floor.

Anyway, here are some pics of my progress thus far.

Here is the glue up of the legs:
Attachment 188668

Attachment 188670

Legs all glued up:
Attachment 188672

The outer band of the base all shimmed level, squared up, glued and screwed:
Attachment 188674

Detail of the corners with the legs attached and inside band applied. I do not need the inside for strength but wanted it for mass and weight:
Attachment 188676

And here is where I ended up at 3 am last night!
Attachment 188678

Today my helper and I flipped it over and I made a set of home made leg levelers. No one in town had anything other than furniture grade stuff so I made my own. I will try to take a few pics later. Tonight I am going to install the levelers and build the framing for the bottom shelf. Then I will flip it over and install the shelf and then the top "joists". After that, I will wrap the entire thing in plywood for rack resistance and skin the legs and top frame, then paint.

Thanks for looking!