I'm sure I've done this in the past and now I can't suss it out.

When transform/translating and operation, I use two options depending on the post for my Haas or the Fadal/Fanuc. The Haas uses a G10 G91 L2 P1 etc move, whereas my Fadal has macro so I use a 'While" etc etc.

Now, I needed some help to cut some parts from a friend who has a tormach in his house, and thinking that a G10 move shouldn't be a problem I gave him the program, but it errored. It didn't like the G10.

So let's say that I want to drill a hole in a part, but I have two parts on the table, 100mm apart in the X axis. Y and Z axis are identical

G54 is set on the first part. I want to drill a hole at X0 Y0, and then 'transform/translate over to the other part and drill the hole.

On my Haas or Fadal it's as easy as G10 G91 L2 P1 X100 Y0 Z0, which will add 100mm to G54 and then drill the second part at X0 Y0. This will of course be followed by G10 G91 L2 P1 X-100 Y- Z0, which then brings the origin back to the original setting.

But what if I want to output as X0 Y0 for the first part, and then X100 Y0 for the second part?

In my PRP file I have loops exist=Y for the fanuc control, and =N for the Haas.

I can't seem to find the info to just output simple absolute points from the origin.

So in a nutshell, I don't want to use a G10 to change the home position, and I don't want to use a G55 to set another home point. What to do?

Maybe there's something in the PRP or GPP file that I'm missing or needs adding or changing!!!

This is about as clear as mud eh?

Any takers?

