We have a takasawa slant bed with a fanuc 6t we are teaching ourselves to program and run.
The issue is we have a contour to run in the id/face of the part it is cut using a boring bar.I use
mastercam x4 just to get my path then plug my path into my program by hand
We use G50s in the start and end at tool change. We need to
take many cuts so I used a G72 line and a G70 for my fin pass with path from mastercam between.
All runs well as far as the numbers but we cannot get to take more than 1 rough and 1 fin no matter
what we put in to the G72 D value. This is where we are out of ideas tryed a lot of things just cant get
it to multipass correctly. We dont have an issue with G71 when turning Why now??? This is a sample
of our program any thoughts guys?? Also the shape is just a golf disk top for a mold .

G50 X11. Z5.
G97 S650 M3 T1010
G0X8.4466 Z.01
G72 P10 Q20 U.003 W.003 F.01 D500
N10 G1 Z-.0369
G3 X8.3981 Z-.0866 R.0844
X8.371 Z-.0949 R.0344
X6.5371 Z-.2799 R3.9844
X.0313 Z-.4124 R39.9844
G1 X-.015
N20 Z.01
G70 P10 Q20 F.008
G40 G0 X11. Z5. T1000
