Time for an update on my build…

First, I’ve completed installing the limit and home switches and have posted a blog post explaining the design – nothing major but glad that one is complete. Take a look here if you have interest -> Limit & Home Switches

Second, the machine enclosure design is complete and installed. See this post -> "Enclosure" I’ll eventually post a video of this implementation and the conveyor moving on the end of the blog post (coming very soon - subscribe to channel to get instant notification)

BTW – I did also post a video some time back showing an overview of the machine and my first attempt at machining aluminum -> https://youtu.be/herMY_2WowM

I won’t post the new v3 cad files with the above changes to my website until I live with the enclosure parts for a week or two. Will post here when new files are ready for download.

And just for the curious minded... In the download section of my website I ask a survey question which allows me to track # of downloads... The results are below.
"What size router work area do you need?" Out of 52 replies. 18"x18"=49%, 24"x22"=26%, 'bigger'=25%
"What is your budget for CNC Router?" Out of 60 replies 0-$1000=22%, $1-2k=18%, $2-3k=27%, >$3000=33%
"What is your interest in this design?" Out of 32 replies 67%=Would like to see complete plans and try build, 33%=Just Curious
I'm surprised at the small size of 18"x18" and the highest cost winning out here.
