To start out, I'm just a home hobbiest with an X3 series machine that I have been nickel and diming together for the last few years. Been lurking on here learning stuff.
I don't use this machine to make money just dub stuff in my garage shop.
So I have been looking at CAD/CAM software packages that I could afford and learn on my own. I downloaded the Dolphin stuff and seemed to like it, I have very little CAD experience, and this package has a lot of tutorials on Youtube, seemed like it had potential for my application. IF the price was right.
So once you download it you start getting the pestering salesman phone calls, I understand they want to sell. He gives me the typical salesman talk, sometimes we have special offers, etc etc. I hold out because it's just more than I can afford at the time. I end up with some personal issues and told him to call me back in a month or so.
He calls me back and happens to catch me when I'm in the garage actually working on the machine. Good timing on his part. So we start talking numbers blah blah,has to get with his boss to let it go this cheap, (the old used car salesman trick). So I get it for a price I'm happy with, all the support bells and whistles etc.
Then I tried to register. Not working. I try Emails. No answers. I get it to work t where I send in the code. Weeks go by. No answers, no Emails, no communication at all.
Fortunately I used a credit card that has buyer protection, file a claim an get my money back.
Still no communication. Did they give me such a low price that they changed their mind?
I don't know. Not impressed.
Anyone else having these problems?