Hi everyone! I'm building a mechmate and thought I'd start a build thread here.
I used i- beams as my rails because they were free! Typically mechmates use c channel. The machine is 6 feet wide and 125" long. Height from top of beams to top of cross members is 8" currentlly.
Next on the list is laying epoxy to flatten the beams in prep for the rails. I'm buying linear rails from automation overstock.
I will be using rack and pinion with servos.
Right now the plan is for acorn controls with dyn4 servos. i need to do more research to figure out gearing and sizing of motors. This is my first go at anything like this so I'm open to any help/ suggestions.
The machine is only for hobby but I still want good performance. It'll mainly be used for wood. But will also do plastics and perhaps some aluminum.