I have the NVCM6V2.1 board and I'm using Mach3.
I'm trying to set an output and control it using M11/M10 but for some reason it does not succeed.
What I've done so far: I have connected output TX16 to my laser module and defined it as output6 in Mach.
For the test - If I'm setting the coolant to out 6 it can start and stop the laser, SO I know all electronics is connected fine. the pin is correct and output 6 is set properly.

When I'm trying to use m11 command it does nothing. (tried all kind of syntaxes including the ones that includes movement like M11P6 G0 X100)

How do I trigger outputs on the NVCM via Gcode?

Just for the test, I created a new profile in Mach based on my current one and replaced the breakout board with an old LPT one that I have and there M11 does work so I assume mach's macros are ok (cannot use that board because it is short on ports)
