Hello All,

I know this question has probably been ask before in various forms, but I was not able to find a post that really answered my needs.

I am looking to purchase a CNC Mill. My budget limit is 15K complete with all necessary items. I've been looking at both new and used machines, but I really have no idea what to look for. I was hoping some kind soul(s) on this forum could help.

I need a mill capable of doing mostly things related to computer case construction. Cutting holes for ports, drilling/tapping case screw holes, various mounting hardware. I guess most of the work would be done with 14-16ga sheet.

There is one exception to this. I have been hired to design and build some long range security cameras. There is a problem with people shooting at these units once their location is discovered. I want to build a stainless steel housing out of 1/2" stainless steel plate. There would be 3 pieces of plate that would form the bottom and sides of a rectangular box. I would need to be able to cut holes for stepper motors, cables, mounts, etc. I also want to bevel the edges of each plate.

I have absolutely no exprerience with any kind of metal working. I am a software developer by trade. I have done a bit of work with embedded devices.

I could really use some advice on the following items:

1. Am I crazy to attempt this project?
2. What are the best machine choices for this application?
3. What is the best software to use?
4. Is their a reputable source for used machines?
5. What are the other 5 million questions I should be asking?
